Chapter 28

Jackson looked collected, but Stiles could feel through the bond that he had been worried, but he seemed calm now his Alpha was within touching distance.

Tessa was smiling at him. Mouthing 'I told you so.' Stiles snorted before pulling them both in a quick hug and guiding them inside. Peter seemed on edge from the new wolf.

But one look from Stiles, and he calmed down.

''I always knew you would be a great wolf. That's why I offered the bite.'' Peter said while smirking.

Before Stiles could react, his dad slapped Peter on the back of the head.

''Why did you offer my son the bite?'' He said while glaring.

Peter looked shamefully away and didn't answer. Stiles was smirking at the man before starting to speak.

''It doesn't matter anymore, because I'm a wolf now, sometimes even more than you would think-'' He grinned at his beta's and Derek, knowing that they already knew his transforming abilities.

Tessa and Derek both rolled their eyes fondly, and Jackson just scoffed in response.

''Dad, you already know Jackson. He is my beta now. We met again in London, and he went back with me to stay with the pack.'' My pack, he added in his head.

''And this beautiful young lady is my first beta, and the reason I'm standing in front of you today, Tessa.'' Stiles already had explained how Tessa had set them free.

His dad walked to Jackson and clapped him on the shoulders briefly before going to Tessa. He stood in front of her for a moment before pulling her into a big hug.

''Thank you, thank you, thank you.'' His dad whispered in her ear.

Tessa seemed at a loss for a moment but returned the embrace while smiling softly at Stiles.

''Why do I smell blood?'' Jackson asked while looking around.

''Oh, dad shot Derek because Derek had told him I was dead,'' Stiles explained, now a little amused at how the encounter had gone.

Jackson seemed to ponder this before nodding.

''Sorry, son, I shouldn't have shot you, but I was a little emotional at the moment.'' His dad said while rubbing his neck.

Derek seems to preen when he was called 'son,' but Stiles didn't comment on it.

''It's okay, I understand,'' Derek said with a small smile aimed at his dad.

''Should still hurt like a bitch, though.'' Stiles then said, raising an eyebrow in question towards Derek.

''You've been shot?'' Derek grunted, looking like he wanted to break someone's head.

''Yeah, when we escaped, they shot me in the leg, but it was already healed before I stopped running.'' Stiles waved the question away.

''Why did the bonds break exactly?'' His dad then asked.

''They said to me that it was because I was turned into an Alpha. I needed to form my own bonds, and the old ones broke. So that's why everybody thought I was dead. It was the most logical explanation. The only bond I could feel was to you, and that's because you are my father. It's the reason I didn't go feral.''

He then smirked at his dad.

''It drove my captors crazy that I had so much control over my wolf.''

''My son everybody,'' His dad sounded exasperated, but he was smiling proudly.

''And they're all gone now?'' Peter then asked, sharp as always.

Stiles took a step towards Tessa before grabbing her hand and stroking his thumb over her knuckles. She seems to relax a little. But the question itself brought them both on edge.

''We don't know. The compound collapsed from what we heard. But we don't know if some are out there looking for us.''

Tessa placed a hand on Stiles's arm while looking at him with a worried look. They wouldn't go back there. No matter what it took, they would fight until they couldn't anymore. He was sure of that.

''And what are you going to do now? Where are you going to live?'' Derek then asked. And Stiles wasn't sure, but it seemed like Derek was anxious. He wondered why.

''I don't know. I hope we can stay in Beacon Hills, and we want to look for a packhouse to live together. Tessa will open a new shop here, Jackson can work anywhere, and I think I'm going to finish my studies online. I don't want to become an FBI agent anymore, so I'm going to look for something else.''

''Of course, you can stay in Beacon Hills.'' His dad and Derek both said. Stiles chuckled.

''I don't know how it's going to work with two Alphas in one territory. So that's why I wasn't sure. But maybe we can work together or something?'' Stiles said while looking at Derek, who was nodding frantically.

Stiles heard Tessa snorting next to him, but when he looked, she looked stoically.

''So you're going to move out?'' His dad then said with sadness in his tone.

''I can't exactly dump myself and two betas on you, dad, because we are a package deal.'' He said while waving his hand between Tessa, Jackson, and him with a soft smile on his face.

His dad seemed to understand but still smelled sad.

''So are you two going to tell me what's between you two?'' Stiles then asked his dad and Peter.

His dad blushed, and Peter seems to preen and puff up a little. Stiles ignored him and focused on his dad.

''Are you happy, dad?'' Stiles asked with a soft tone.

''Yeah, this arrogant idiot makes me happy.'' His dad sighed with a smile.

Stiles nodded before turning towards Peter and flashing his red eyes.

''If you hurt him, I'll-''

''Rip my throat out with your teeth, yes, yes, my nephew made the same threat when he found out,'' Peter said with a big sigh.

Stiles whipped his head around to look at Derek, who had ducked his head, but Stiles could see that the tips of his ears were a little red. Interesting.

They were going back to their hotel a little while later. Derek seems to hover, not sure what to do with himself before Stiles took him apart.

''Thank you for taking care of my dad,'' Stiles said sincerely.

''Of course, Stiles. And he took just as much care of me, to be honest.''

Stiles wanted to ask more, but he was cut short by Jackson calling for him to move his butt.

''Could you put together a pack meeting? So I can see them all at once?'' Stiles asked, unsure. Not wanting to infiltrate Derek's pack as another Alpha.

''Yes! Tomorrow?''

''If it's possible-''

''Sure! I should return Scott's calls anyway. He's been calling at least three times. We both know how much that is for Scott, anyway.'' Derek chuckled.

He chuckled! And Stiles almost melted into a puddle. Derek chuckling was not something he could handle people!

He nodded and waved awkwardly before walking towards the car a little faster than needed. When they drove away, he let out a big sigh and thumped his head against the seat.

Two of the most important people from his former life accepted his return and him as a werewolf. Now just the rest of them.