Chapter 29

The next morning Stiles took Jackson and Tessa both to the woods for a run. He also sparred with them and gave them tips on defending or striking when in a fight.

''How many fights have you been in?'' Jackson asked when he again landed on his back.

''You should use your tail more often in a fight. It is a huge advantage.'' Stiles said instead of answering the question.

Jackson nodded and made place for Tessa. She cocked her head, and Stiles couldn't stop his smirk or the words that came out of his mouth.

''Did you hear something, Lassie?''

Tessa glared at him before advancing. She didn't hit him once, and it was clear that she was getting agitated.

Stiles smelled electricity in the air and knew that she was using magic now. He only didn't know what she was going to do. It thrilled him that she could be unpredictable. It was a great advantage.

He stepped back and almost tripped over a root, he adjusted, but the root started to advance.

''Earth magic, nice one.'' Stiles complimented, but when he looked back at Tessa, it was clear that it took a lot of energy. She was sweating, and Stiles saw her hands tremble.

The burst of magic she performed with their outbreak was based on pure rage. When the deed was done back then, she had blacked out. Stiles was thinking about that and rushed to her side now. Stiles was hovering next to her, afraid that she would collapse.

''You don't have to baby me.'' She grumbled, but it sounded weak.

''And I want you to be okay and not fainting on me.'' He snarked back.

She was trembling on her feet, and Stiles was getting worried. He lifted her up in his arms bridal style.

''Is she going to be okay?'' A worried Jackson asked.

''I think she just used too much magic. Rest should help.'' Stiles said, before walking back to their hotel, Tessa still in his arms.

When they reached the hotel, Tessa was asleep in his arms. They walked to their room before Stiles smelled Derek nearby.

He looked up and saw the man watching them with a constipated expression on his face. Derek walked towards them.

''What happened to her?''

''Used to much magic during training. She's exhausted.'' Stiles said before letting Jackson pass so he could open the door.

''I've never heard of a spark/wolf hybrid.'' Derek mused.

''Do you think that there is something Peter could know?''

''Maybe, we could ask, he does know more about magic, and I think he will be intrigued,'' Derek said with a smirk.

Stiles grunted. He already was expecting Peter to be 'intrigued,' especially when he found out that Stiles could turn full wolf.

When he had placed Tessa on the bed, he turned to look at Derek. He was wearing sweatpants and a tank top beneath his leather jacket.

''Were you also training?'' Stiles asked.

''No, I wanted to ask if you wanted to run in wolf form with me. That's why I came by, actually.''

Stiles's eyebrows shot to his hairline. He hadn't expected Derek to run with him voluntarily.

''But you already trained, so I under-''

''No, no, I would lo-like to run as a wolf with you. I never had the chance, we don't know if Tessa can turn fully, and Jackson is part Kanima, so we already knew he couldn't.'' Stiles interrupted him. He looked back at Jackson, who was smirking.

''Go, I'll take care of Tessa.''

Stiles nodded gratefully before walking out again with Derek by his side. They turned to the woods and began to run as humans for now. When they were in a clearing, they stopped and started to strip.

Stiles knew that Derek wasn't shy with his body, and since he had buffed up, he wasn't either. So he stripped at a regular pace, not looking at Derek. But he could feel Derek's eyes on him. When he stepped out of his boxers, he immediately turned into his wolf form.

Now he looked at Derek he saw that Derek already was turned into his wolf form. A big black wolf was now standing in front of him. Stiles could feel the thrill of running with another wolf. So he turned and started to run.

His claws dug into the ground beneath him. His body was singing with a playful tune. He could hear Derek's thundering paws behind him. A thrill went through him, he ran faster, wanted to win this competition. He wanted to show that he was faster.

Derek huffed behind him, and Stiles knew he was winning this. He let out a happy yip. He could smell the forest around him and could sense a creek nearby. He turned in that direction. The stumbling behind him let him know that Derek didn't expect the sudden change in direction.

Stiles huffed, laughing on the inside. Derek was all buff, still more muscular than Stiles, but Stiles was more flexible and quicker on his feet.

They neared the creek, and Stiles felt a need inside him to just jump in. But he didn't want a wet fur. So when he jumped, he turned into his human self in the air.

When he came up for air, he was laughing. An exciting feeling was humming through him. He was happy, and he felt whole. He knew it wouldn't last, his trauma wasn't going away with just a simple run, but at this moment, everything was like it used to be.

He looked back towards Derek, still smiling. The black wolf was standing on the side, looking at him curiously. Stiles could see that Derek was debating on getting in.

''Come on, Sourwolf! Or do you want me to beat you again in a run?'' Stiles said with a smirk.

It was January and a little cold, but he didn't even notice the chill in the air with his werewolf metabolism. The water felt nice, even if he could see the steam rising from his hot skin.

He heard a branch break a little to his left and looked in that direction. A deer was standing there, wide eyes on Stiles and Derek. The deer seemed like it was frozen.

A new sensation went through Stiles. Even if he wanted to stay and swim, he also wanted to chase to deer, to hunt it. It seemed that Derek was debating too if he should pursue the deer.

Stiles slowly waded towards the edge of the creek, careful for any sudden movements. He lifted himself out of the water, the deer still standing frozen to the ground. Stiles then shifted to his wolf form and started the chase.

The deer finally seemed to come to his senses and shot away. Stiles ran together with Derek. Following the deer for a couple of miles. Driven by instinct alone, Stiles darted past the deer to distract it. He swiveled in front of it, so it needed to change direction.

The distraction worked when Derek pounced on the deer's neck, ripping it open. The deer dropped instantly.

The blood and gore should've disgusted Stiles, but his wolf mind only supplied pure happiness and pride for a hunt well done. Providing for his pack with his ma- Stiles shook his head. Where the fuck did that come from.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a happy yip from Derek. Derek nudged the deer in Stiles's general direction. As if permitting him to start.

Stiles's heart beat faster. What does Derek mean by this? Stiles knew from his google binges that wolves had a clear order of eating. Alpha was first, and yes, Stiles was an Alpha, but so was Derek.

Stiles decided that he would ignore his inner turmoil for now and just go with it. But his wolf was excited by this.