Chapter 30

After eating, they went back to the creek, and both bathed in it. Then they went back to the clearing where they had left their clothes before walking back in companionable silence.

''How late is the pack meeting?''

''Six, your dad and Peter also will be there, so after everybody has hugged the shit out of you, you should ask Peter about magic.''

Stiles nodded in response, a little anxious about seeing the rest of the pack again but also excited to see his friends.

Derek clapped him on the shoulder.

''They have missed you, Stiles. They will be over the moon.'' Derek said with a little smile.

Stiles tried to control his beating heart, and it seems to work a little, especially when he looked away.

''Yeah, yeah, I hope so too. You sure you're okay with me being around the pack? Another Alpha and all that jazz?''

''Of course, they were your pack first, even if you were a human back then. You already were a little like an Alpha, how you defended your pack, came up with plans, taking care of everyone, and that was without wolf instincts. I don't know, but it's almost like you were born to be a werewolf—an Alpha.''

Stiles snorted.

''The hyperactive spazz meant to be an Alpha werewolf. It's kind of ironic that I never wanted the bite then.'' Stiles mused.

Derek's mood soured at that.

''I'm sorry that you were forced the bite, Stiles. I should've done more to find you.''

Stiles stopped walking to look at Derek. He saw the same man as he always had seen, a handsome, rugged-looking man with a sour demeanor. But something had changed in the last months. He seemed more open, more available, and Stiles liked it a lot. He felt warm all over from Derek's words.

They were standing in front of Stiles hotel room now.

''You couldn't have done anything. I was already in the UK when the bonds broke. And with what my dad told me yesterday, you already did everything you could. You found Roscoe.'' Stiles said with a smile. He had missed his jeep. It was in a storage box, according to his dad. Not wanting to part with it, but he couldn't stand the look of it, being reminded of Stiles.

Derek took a step into Stiles's space before the door opened, revealing Jackson.

''Stiles, Derek. Glad you're back.'' Jackson huffed before turning around and walking back inside.

Stiles blushed. He didn't know why because nothing was happening. But he still felt caught.

''I will see you tonight, we will be there after six, so everybody will already be there before we come in.''

Derek seemed disappointed for a moment before nodding.

''See you.''

He then walked away, a little awkwardly. Stiles got inside the room and threw himself on the bed, groaning loudly in the pillow.

The bed dipped next to him, and he felt Tessa and Jackson both snuggle up to him.

''Are you okay?'' Tessa asked carefully, looking rested again from her nap.

''Yeah, I just - don't understand exactly what is happening.'' He said, thinking the truth would be best.

''You are a little oblivious, aren't you?'' Tessa said with an amused tone. Stiles just groaned again in the pillow, making her chuckle.

Stiles didn't think he was oblivious. But there was obviously something between Derek and him, something he had never dreamed of hoping there was. And then there was Tessa.

He didn't know what they were to each other, but it felt so comfortable just being together. He really didn't know what he needed to do. He didn't want to ruin anything between him and Tessa, but Derek, Derek who was talking about what he thought, Derek who let him eat first, Derek who was amazing to his dad, even when shot!

Derek, who had an extremely hot body and was adorably cute when he smiled with those bunny teeth. How the fuck was Stiles going to survive this?

''Jacks, could you get me something to eat?'' Tessa asked casually, but Stiles froze. He knew that she wanted to talk, but Stiles really didn't know if he wanted that too.

''Why don't you ge- AH!'' Jackson sprang from the bed, Stiles didn't know what happened, but Tessa seemed to retract a single claw.

''Fine! But there will be a lot of tomatoes!'' Jackson snapped before storming out of the room. Tessa grimaced because she hated tomatoes.



''I think we need to talk.''

''I don't think I want to talk.''

Tessa rolled her eyes before pulling away from the cuddle. She then shoved Stiles into a sitting position until his back was resting against the bed's headboard. Then she planted herself on his side, resting her head against his shoulder.

''I think it's clear that there is something between you and Derek.''

Stiles fidgeted with his fingers and didn't respond. Waiting for her to continue.

''And I don't think it's one-sided.''


''No, let me finish. Stiles, we only know each other for a little more than a month. There isn't romantic love yet, I know that, and you know that. As I said, we have mutual respect for each other, and yes, we do work together, and the sex is amazing, but that being said. I won't stay in your way of happiness. If Derek is what you want, then you should go for it.''

Tessa was now playing with the hem of his shirt. Stiles felt tears prick in his eyes. This woman truly was amazing. He kissed her on the head before looking down at her.