Chapter 31

''What about you?''

She scoffed before talking again.

''I will be fine, you will stay my Alpha, and we still can be friends, Stiles. And even if there isn't romantic love, I do love you, you and Jackson both. You are family to me, my pack. And you always will be.''

Stiles squeezed her tighter, reveling in the warm feeling of love from his beta.

''I love you too, and even Jackson, I never thought I would, but I do. You're mine. My pack.''

Tessa smiled, and they stayed on the bed until Jackson came back. He didn't have tomatoes in Tessa's order, and when she found out, she hugged him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

''Love you, Jackson!''

Jackson's face became red, and he ducked his head to hide his pleased smile. They stayed in the hotel room until six. Then they took the car to the loft. Within ten minutes, they were outside the building.

Stiles was nervous again, he really wanted to see his friends, but a little voice in the back of his head told him that they had moved on. He ignored it and went in. He walked in the front, Tessa one step behind him on his right, and Jackson on his left, also one step behind.

His dad and Derek would've told the pack about a surprise, but Stiles didn't know how much they would tell.

When he knocked on the door, he wasn't breathing anymore. He could smell the rest of the pack from downstairs. He couldn't make out the scents right now. There was too much.

Jackson and Tessa both touched the small of his back briefly, letting him know that they were there for him. He calmed a little and smiled when the door opened.

Derek was standing there, also a smile on his lips. He stepped aside so Stiles could walk in with his betas.

He took in the room and saw the shocked faces of everybody in the pack.

Scott was bouncing in place like a fucking puppy waiting to get permission to pounce and hug his owner. A shocked expression on his face, his crooked jaw a little open in awe.

Lydia was in a same state. Her mouth agape and watching them with a barely contained curiosity.

Malia and Liam both were beaming at him. Malia cocked her head in question for a moment when looking at Tessa but kept smiling.

''Hey, you guys.'' Stiles awkwardly said while patting his hands against his legs, mostly to get rid of his sweaty hands.

Scott couldn't hold back anymore and flew the couple meters that were between them. He launched himself at Stiles, clinging to him and whining. If Stiles hadn't been an Alpha, he would've fallen back from the impact. But now, he could take the weight.

Scott planted his nose in Stiles's neck, scenting him and smelling him. He was crying, and Stiles could feel the tears against his neck.

''Scott, I've missed you, buddy,'' Stiles said with a croaky voice, hugging Scott hard and close. Scott wheezed a little, and Stiles let go.

''Sorry. Don't know my own strength.'' Stiles mumbled, his ears turning pink.

Scott looked puzzled, and Stiles realized that they didn't know yet. He flashed his red eyes, and everybody in the room gasped, well, everybody that didn't know already.

Stiles knew that he should explain everything, but it was hard. He didn't like to talk about what happened. So he glanced at Tessa, who stepped forward immediately.

''Hi, I'm Tessa, Stiles first beta. You already know Jackson.'' She waved in Jackson's general direction, who huffed when nobody had seemed to notice him walking in with Stiles.

''You probably want to know everything that has happened to Stiles, but I'm telling you now that my Alpha had had a hard time when he was missing. So we would appreciate it if you let us do the talking. If you have questions after, you can ask Jackson or me if Stiles doesn't want to.''

She flashed her yellow eyes, and Stiles didn't miss the uptake in Lydia's heartbeat for a moment. It seemed that only Derek and he had heard it. An alpha hearing was still better than regular werewolves.

Stiles firstly hugged everyone in the pack. Then they got seated, and Tessa began to tell them the story. Jackson pitched in whenever needed, which wasn't much.

His dad was seated next to him, with Scott on the other side, it seemed that Derek wanted to take that seat, but Scott almost hadn't let him go since the first hug.

Stiles kept silent during the story, zoning out when Tessa told a couple of the harsh truths. He did smile when she told them about the drive from the forest back to Tessa's house with the 'saving angels'.

''I knew it! I didn't feel your death. I knew it!'' Lydia finally ranted when the story was over. Stiles ducked his head in amusement.

The pack asked a lot of questions; almost all of them were answered by Tessa. Being his first beta and right hand.

''And what is your relationship?'' Lydia asked after a while, waving between Tessa and Stiles. Stiles saw Derek's face tightening for a moment, but he looked away when he saw Stiles glancing his way.

Stiles smiled at Tessa before answering.

''We're friends, packmates, she is my right hand and first beta. It seems like we have known each other forever, and she feels like home, but just friends.'' Stiles said. When he saw Derek whip his head around by the first 'friend's' declaration, he started to smirk.

Derek clearly didn't saw that coming, and he seemed to be shocked for a moment before a beautiful smile blossomed on his lips.