Chapter 34

Stiles was torn. He knew that Derek was right, but he also knew that everything she would do to him would be in front of Stiles, making him cave after Derek already was tortured. He couldn't bear to see that.

''Fine. I will fight, but you can't touch Derek! If you are going to torture someone, it's going to be me.'' Stiles said with venom.

Derek started to protest and whine, struggling against the bonds, but Stiles didn't relent. He kept glaring at the woman.

With a big sigh, she agreed.

''I liked you as my playthingy, glad to have you back, puppy!'' She said before running her hands down Stiles's torso in the direction of his very naked cock. He snarled and snapped his fangs at her, but she kept going until she touched his dick.

''My, my, feisty, I can't wait until I can finally have you all - too - my - self.'' She said, punctuating each word with a stroke over his dick.

Derek was yelling, but it all sounded like it was coming from underwater. He couldn't hear clearly, saw spots in his vision, and felt his breaths turning shallower.

He knew that a panic attack was forming. Finally, the stroking stopped, and the presence of Amber went away. He could hear her laughing while walking away, but he just wanted to curl into himself and cry.

When he finally had his breathing under control, he could hear Derek talking.

''I'm sorry, Stiles, I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything. I want to tear her throat out for what she did to you, then bring her back and do it again. Please breathe for me, baby, please!'' Derek was pleading with him. Stiles felt a jolt of warmth blossoming in his chest from the pet name.

''It's okay, you couldn't do anything.'' Stiles tried to give Derek a reassuring smile, but it felt more like a grimace.

''We're getting out of here, even if it's the last thing I'll do,'' Derek said solemnly.

Stiles cringed, not wanting to think of the possibility of losing Derek.

''We're getting out of here, together, or not at all,'' Stiles said.

Derek nodded in understanding.

''Together, or not at all.'' He said while looking Stiles in the eyes.

Stiles smiled at him, a real smile.

''I fucking love you, and when we get out of here, I'm going to show you that in every possible way.''

Derek blushed and ducked his head, but Stiles could see the pleased expression.

Now they only needed to get out of here as soon as possible, and in the meantime, Stiles needed to stay alive in the ring and ignore Amber with everything she was doing.

That could be possible. Right?


Tessa and Jackson were busy looking at plots and houses when they felt the panic run through their bond. They immediately started calling Stiles on his phone but couldn't reach him.

Tessa started to call Peter because he was officially a member of their pack and Derek's, and they didn't have Derek's number. When Peter finally answered, he also sounded frantic.

''Peter! Can you reach Derek? I can feel stress coming from Stiles, but I can't reach him.''

''Same goes for Derek. Something happened to them. I'm on my way to the loft now.''

''Don't go in alone! If two Alpha's are this distressed while together, it won't be safe.'' Tessa said before hanging up the phone.

Jackson and Tessa started to run back to their car and raced to the loft. While breaking a lot of traffic laws, they weren't stopped. When they arrived, the sheriff's cruiser was already there with the sheriff and Peter.

The sheriff had his gun loaded and ready and looked between the other two betas; he glared at everything and had his lips pursed together.

Peter was on the phone. It sounded like he was speaking to Scott. Tessa took out her own phone and called Lydia.

''Lydia, did you hear what happened with the bonds?'' Tessa said in the way of greeting, knowing that Lydia would hear the urgency.

''No, but I felt it a little. My pack bonds are not like those of the wolves, so I didn't know what it meant. Why what's wrong?'' Tessa heard Lydia getting up from a chair and pacing the room she was in.

Tessa could imagine it perfectly, her strawberry blonde hair cascading over her back and her piercing green eyes scanning everything around her.

Tessa took a deep breath to arrange her thoughts again before falling into the Lydia hole in her mind.

''We think something has happened to Stiles and Derek. They don't respond, and there is a lot of stress coming from the bonds.''

''Stiles was going to tell Derek how he felt, right? Couldn't it be something to do with that?'' And that was a fair question, but it wasn't only stress. Tessa could feel the pain Stiles was in. That wasn't emotional but physical. Derek wouldn't hurt Stiles in any way, so that couldn't be it.

''No. We are going to enter the loft now. If I don't let anything know within fifteen minutes, something is terribly wrong. The sheriff is with us, but he doesn't seem like he has called it in. So call the police and send them here. Okay?'' Tessa said, and it sounded like an order.

Lydia wasn't too prone to accepting orders just like that Tessa knew that. She could hear Lydia stop pacing and huff out a breath.

''You better be okay. I still want to go on that date Friday. You promised me the Notebook.''

Tessa couldn't help the pleased smile that spread over her face. She could also see Jackson smirk at her and giving her a thumbs up. Tessa blushed and gave him the finger before responding.

''Believe me, Lydia, I wouldn't miss it for the world.''