Chapter 35

When they entered the loft, it was like they had entered a war zone. Two dead bodies were lying on the floor, both with ripped out throats. Some of the furniture was still on fire. The glass in the windows was all cracked or blown out.

When Tessa smelled the air, she started to cough, but she was better off than Peter, who was on his knees, struggling to breathe. Jackson was also coughing, but because he was part Kanima, he wasn't as affected as Peter.

Tessa thought it was because she was immune to mountain ash that wolfsbane probably also was just an inconvenience for her, instead of deadly.

Jackson dragged a still coughing Peter out of the loft and into the fresh air. John looked worried but was determined to find out what happened here.

He walked to the dead bodies with Tessa next to him. She had her shirt now over her nose and mouth to stop the coughing. It worked a little.

When she came closer, she started to growl. She recognized the man with the slash marks on his throat. His empty eyes were now staring at the ceiling, but she still remembered the man that had took her together with Adam.

''These are the fucking assholes who took Stiles and me.'' She snarled at the sheriff. He now looked like he could rip someone apart but also terrified that his son was taken again. And it seemed that Derek also was taken. Tessa knew that the sheriff saw Derek as a son too, so this was a double blow for him.

''We will find them.'' Tessa tried to reassure him.

''Yeah, we will. Those assholes don't deserve to live.'' John growled out, sounding like a wolf.

Tessa nodded in agreement before leaving the loft with John. She could hear the fire department coming.

Outside she called Lydia again but frowned when the call didn't connect. She looked at Jackson before she heard a car approaching.

The car parked next to them, and Scott, Malia, and Lydia climbed out.

''I told you I would let you know as soon as possible,'' Tessa said when Lydia was within hearing distance.

''And I wasn't going to wait until we got news about our Alpha's,'' Lydia said determinedly. She was glaring a little at Tessa.

Tessa smirked in response, really liking the bossy side of Lydia.

''Well, good that you're here, because I'm going to try a searching spell, but I need another magical deity with me to channel their powers.''

''Shouldn't we use Deaton then?'' Scott asked, confused. And Stiles was right to call him a puppy with the look he was giving now when Peter, Lydia, Jackson, and Tessa all rolled their eyes.

''Deaton is not strong enough to use,'' Peter explained before smirking at Lydia. Lydia took a step closer to Tessa, and Tessa could feel Lydia's apprehension towards Peter.

Tessa took Lydia's hand and placed a kiss on top of it, making the other woman blush.

''He has been teaching me, nothing will go wrong. You maybe feel weak for a couple of minutes because I will channel your powers, but it's safe. Do you trust me?'' Tessa asked Lydia, hope shining through her silver eyes while looking deep into the green pools opposite of her.

Lydia seemed to think about it, but Tessa's look didn't waver.

''I will trust you. Mostly because Stiles and Jackson do, and they are two of my best friends. And because I want to.''

Tessa smiled before darting forward and placing a quick but soft kiss on Lydia's lips. Lydia seemed frozen for a moment when Tessa pulled away with a pleased grin before she touched her lips with her fingers and smiling.

''Great, let's go. I need to be surrounded by nature for this.''


Stiles grunted when the fist collided with the right side of his ribs. The Alpha he was fighting against was a couple of sizes bigger, but Stiles was determined to win.

He snarled before quickly hitting the Alpha with flat hands against his ears. The hit worked, and the Alpha flinched from the pain and was disoriented for a moment.

Stiles quickly took the opportunity to give the man his meanest left hook before ducking and hitting the man three times in the chest in one quick movement. The man fell back, gasping for air. Stiles checked his side absently. Seeing slash marks from the Alpha's claws, he simply frowned at it.

Stiles could hear the crowd chant his name. Or the name the ring had given him. ''Spark, Spark, Spark!''

Others were booing him, probably having lost a lot of money betting against him. He snapped his fangs at the general direction of the booing. Making the rest of the audience laugh.

His body was taken over again, and he left the ring. He was silent when Amber guided him back to his cell again. He was glad the fight was over, wanting to be with Derek again.

He was so happy that they hadn't separated them. They were there now for about a week. Stiles could tell because they had a window this time. Amber had left Derek alone, just like she promised, and he was grateful for that. Derek was angry the whole time that Stiles needed to fight and worried about him.

He was marched back into his cell, the door closing behind him, Amber hadn't tried anything since the last time, but he couldn't shake de feeling that it still was coming.

Derek perked up when Stiles walked in, and Stiles pulled him into a crushing hug. Assuring Derek that he was fine. Derek made a whining noise in his throat when he saw the slash marks on Stiles's side.

''I'm okay, Sourwolf. Really. I'm here with you again, aren't I?'' Stiles said with a soft smile.

Derek still took his pain away, and Stiles sighed and sagged into the embrace. Resting his head on Derek's shoulder.

''You're bleeding. That is not okay,'' Derek whispered.

Stiles sighed before pulling back and stroking Derek's face. Stiles had gotten sweatpants when they were thrown in this cell. It was a lot like he had in the other compound.

''I'm going to be okay, Der. As long as you are, I'm fine.'' Stiles said before kissing Derek.