Chapter 36

Warning! A little smut!


Stiles wanted to be as close to Derek as possible. He closed the space there was between their bodies. Both without a shirt and Stiles reveled in the feeling of Derek pressed against him.

He lowered his hands to Derek's sides, while Derek's hands were carefully placed on the back of Stiles's head and hip. Derek rubbed his thumb over Stiles's hipbone, and the touch sent spikes of want through Stiles, shooting straight to his dick.

Stiles moaned when he pressed his groin touched Derek's, feeling that Derek also was hard. Derek moved his hips just at the right angle to make Stiles lightheaded. Derek pulled back and looked flushed but also pleased.

''Is it okay if-'' Derek asked while he made a broken gesture of touching Stiles. Stiles felt a panic surge through him for a moment. Memories of Amber touching his naked dick flashing through his mind. He didn't know how he would react if Derek would touch him now.

''Let me,'' Stiles said, determined before opening Derek's pants, Derek was commando in his jeans, so Stiles could understand the relieved sigh Derek let out when his jeans were gone from his dick. Derek was kissing Stiles now in his neck, and he had to bite his lip before he would let out a wanton moan.

Derek really had a big dick, and Stiles couldn't wait until he could feel Derek's dick in his mouth or ass. Stiles himself also was pretty big if he thought so himself. He didn't know if Derek would be open to bottom, but he would love both ways. As long as it was with Derek.

Stiles then pulled down his sweatpants before grabbing both their dicks in his hands. Derek groaned before letting his head fall down on Stiles's shoulder.

Stiles used the precum from both of them as a lubricant when he began to stroke them. He could feel Derek bite him, trying to mark him, and Stiles hated that they wouldn't stay there.

''They will if we are fully mated,'' Derek said softly against his ear, making Stiles shiver.

''Wolves mate for life, right?'' Stiles said breathlessly. He didn't stop the stroking. He needed to hear this.

Derek groaned before biting Stiles's shoulder. Making him moan.

''Stiles - God! It feels so good, baby.'' Derek said with a moan.

Stiles loved the way Derek called him baby. He kissed Derek sloppily before pulling back again, reveling in the gasps and moans he got in return from Derek.

''Tell me, Der,'' Stiles said into Derek's ear before pulling the earlobe between his teeth and biting softly. Derek keened and started panting, getting closer to his release, Stiles was almost there too, but he wanted to know what Derek would say.

So he stopped stroking, earning a whine from Derek.

''I will let you come if you tell me, Derek. Wolves mate for life, right?'' Derek's eyes flashed red, and he was biting his lower lip. Stiles's eyes were drawn automatically to Derek's lips because of this. Knowing his own eyes were shining red too.

''Yes, Stiles, yes, they mate for life,'' Derek said, still panting but not looking away from Stiles, an intense look on his face.

''Good.'' Was Stiles's response before surging forward and claiming Derek's lips again.

He started to stroke them faster until he was on the verge of falling apart.

''Fuck - Derek, can't wait to fuck you, or you to fuck me, I don't fucking care, but fuck, Derek! Derek, I want you.'' Stiles rambled before claiming Derek's lips again.

He felt Derek's body go rigid before a wanton moan was heard from Derek's lips, and it was the most beautiful sound in the fucking world for Stiles. Feeling Derek's cock pulse with its release sent Stiles over the edge too. Making him groan, he kissed Derek lazily for a moment before pulling back and looking down at the mess they made.

He grinned from the high he was still in. He brought his hand to his mouth before licking the cum off his fingers.

A struggled gasp was heard from Derek. When Stiles looked at the other man, he saw that Derek was flushed and watching Stiles's hand and mouth intently.

''Come here,'' Stiles commanded. Derek came willingly and perfectly. Stiles loved to see Derek like this. He grinned before claiming Derek's mouth, licking his way into Derek's mouth so he could taste them together.

Derek let out a soft groan. His dick twitched a little but didn't come up yet. Stiles tucked them both in and went to the sink to wash the cum from their chests.

Stiles was still smiling at Derek, and Derek looked pleased.

Then they heard a slow clapping coming from the other side of the room. Making them, both go rigid. Out of the shadows where some kind of glamor was in place stepped out Amber. Her scent and heartbeat had been hidden.

''Lovely show, puppies. Can't wait for the next one.'' She smirked before walking out. Leaving Stiles and Derek with hurtful looks and a disgusting feeling.

Stiles started to whine and tremble, feeling violated without being touched, he retched on the floor next to him. Derek pulled him in his strong arms while rocking him softly.

Too shocked to say anything, but wanting to comfort him. Stiles tightened his own arms around Derek.

After being silent for at least hours, Stiles finally found his voice.

''I'm going to kill her.''

''Get in line.'' Was the only response.