Many Years Later...

I'm trapped inside my dreams once again, while I am taunted by the demon inside my head. A scenario that has become all too familiar to me, at this point. A voice calls to me. A voice that, at this point, has become sickening to hear. "William, when will you learn? You can't escape me. You can't escape something that is inside your mind." The demon says, before he laughs maniacally. Oh, I've come to hate that laugh so much. "How about we have some fun?" It asks. It's probably another one of its sadistic and twisted mind games. "I assume I don't really have a choice, right?" I ask. It then laughs again, and says: "Now you're getting how this works, William! But, just because you're willing, doesn't mean I'll make your torture any less severe!" The demon says, before he laughs maniacally again. "What did I ever do to you?" I ask, with rage. "Me? Oh, you did nothing to me... my dear William. I simply find your torture amusing." The demon says. Suddenly, I'm in an alleyway. I see Henry, but he seems to be struggling. Then, I see him fall to the ground. I stay silent, and feel relatively nothing, because he's used this kind of trick so many times already. Then, I feel a severe pain in my back, and I let out a yell of agony. Then, I hear his voice again. "I was kind of hoping that I could psychologically torment you. But it looks like I'll have to stick with physical torment. It works just as well anyways!" He exclaims, before maniacally laughing. "But it looks like I'll have to torture you more later. Since your dear Jennifer noticed you stirring in bed. It's a shame too. I was just starting to have fun." He said with that malicious smile on his face. Then, I wake up from that terrible reoccurring nightmare, and sit up. "Are you okay, Champ?" Jennifer asks. I don't say anything, but I think she could tell what was wrong by my expression. "Same nightmare again, William?" I nod my head slowly. "Maybe you should stay home today, William?" Jennifer suggests. "No, honey. Henry needs my help. He can't do this on his own." I say. "No one should have to do anything on their own." I mutter. "Okay, well, be careful, okay? You've been zoning out a lot recently." Jennifer says. "I'll be careful, darling." I assure Jennifer. I then get ready and drive my car to work.

Henry was performing on the stage. Meanwhile, I was in the Parts and Service room, checking to see if there was anything wrong with any of the animatronic parts. I then finish examining the parts thoroughly for any flaws or malfunctions, and I exit the Parts and Service room. Suddenly, my vision starts to fade to black, and I pass out.