The Horrid Action that Set Everything into Motion

"It's surprising how much energy it takes to push him down. But soon enough, none of that will matter, because I will be the one in control! No longer would this vessel be known as: "William Afton!" Then, it would be known as the infamous: "David Miller!'" Dave thinks, before silently laughing. He noticed that it was starting to get really dark outside. Regardless, glancing through one of the windows of the restaurant, Dave notices something outside. Under a streetlight, he sees that a little girl is kneeling on the sidewalk. Dave puts on the Spring Bonnie suit and walks out to the girl, notices that she's crying, and says: "Hello, little girl. You seem to be sad. What's wrong?" "My dog, he's dead." She says, tearfully. He looks down at the dog and has an idea. "He's not really dead... He is over here. Follow me..." Dave says, as he leads her into Fredbear's Family Diner, and into the parts and service room. He then locks the door and takes off the suit. Then, he pulls out a knife. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to trust strangers in Bunny suits?" He asks. "Well, I guess that is a bit of a specific thing to tell you." He says, before laughing quietly. "Please don't hurt me!" The girl yells. "Oh, don't worry! It'll only hurt for an excruciating amount of time." Dave says, before laughing maniacally. He then stabs her in the shoulder, and she screams. Dave then notices the essence, that he has named "remnant," already forming around her. He then absorbs it with a contraption that he made, that traps the remnant, using a light source as a lure. He continues torturing her to get more of the remnant. Eventually, she falls over, and the remnant becomes useless to him. So, he disposes of her body, and goes back to William's house.

Dave then goes into the basement to experiment with the remnant. "There has to be some way to make this stuff into an artificial soul of my own, without the original soul taking over." Dave thinks. "Wait a second. It's so obvious! I just need to break apart the remnant, and then piece it back together with other severed pieces of remnant from different subjects, which would outweigh the remnant contained within that amalgamation of remnant!" Dave thinks. "My plan is finally coming to fruition! Soon, no longer will this body be known as: "William Afton!" Soon, it will be known as: "David Miller!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Dave thinks.