What Have I Done..?

William was still stuck inside of his mind, or whatever that dark abyss was. "I feel like I'm going insane, but maybe I already was insane. After all, what kind of sane person would accidentally cause all of this?" He thinks to himself. "William..." Dave says, but William immediately exclaims: "FUCK YOU! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, YOU BASTARD!" Dave chuckles. "Wow, I only said your name and you're already cursing." Dave says. "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? YOU KILLED FOUR CHILDREN, YOU MOTHER FUCKING MOSTER!" William exclaims. "Well, first off... I killed five. Second off, you should have said: "Wife fucking monster." Heheheheheheh." Dave says. "Smartarse." William remarks. "Oh, and you're gonna hate who I killed... So, you know Henry?" Dave says. Then, William starts to grit his teeth. "You didn't..." William says. "No, I didn't. I killed his daughter. Her name was Charlotte. I figured you should know." Dave says, with his usual arrogant tone. This causes William to ram against the door, so hard, and with so much rage, that it breaks off of its hinges, and falls onto the pitch-black ground. William gets up and starts to run out of that godforsaken pitch-black room. However, this only leads him into another dark abyss, but he keeps running, determined to find that psychopathic bastard. "I'M GOING TO COME FIND YOU, YOU PSYCHOPATHIC BITCH! NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES! NO MATTER WHAT YOU THROW AT ME, I! WILL! FIND! YOU!" William says, full of rage. "Good luck with that, William! I OWN THIS REALM NOW! AND YOU? AT THIS POINT, YOU'RE CONTROL IS AS WEAK AS ALL THOSE CHILDREN WERE! AND SOON ENOUGH, YOU'LL BE JUST LIKE THEM; A DISTANT MEMORY!" Dave says cockily. "Say anything you want. I'm intent on getting to you AND TEARING YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!" William says. Then, Dave laughs. "I have no physical form in this realm. MY PHYSICAL FORM IS DEEP INSIDE OF YOUR BODY, WHERE YOUR SOUL RESIDES! YOU'D HAVE TO KILL YOUR BODY FOR ME TO DIE! Why am I telling you this? Well William, YOUR BODY IS MUCH MORE RESILIENT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE THAN IT EVER WAS BEFORE! IN FACT, EACH DOSE OF PERFECTED SOUL REMNANT THAT I INJECT INTO IT, WILL EVENTUALLY MAKE IT MORE RESILIENT AND POWERFUL THAN ANY OTHER HUMAN'S BODY! WHICH MEANS, YOU DON'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE TO STOP ME ANYMORE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Dave says, manically. "Well, I'm determined to try! You psychopathic bitch!" William says, filled with determination. "Okay then, come and get me, "bitch!"" Dave says, and then laughs. Suddenly, the terrain around William changes. Instead of being in the black abyss, he was now standing in a seemingly endless hallway, with a seemingly endless amount of newspaper clippings on the walls. William decides not to read them, since they're more than likely, just more taunts from Dave. Instead, he just keeps running.

William had been running for, what seemed like ages, until he finally reached a door at the end of the hallway. He opened the door and saw Dave. "Finally, time to tear you apart!" William says, full of rage, as he charges at Dave. He uses all of his strength to tear Dave limb from limb. Then, he hears Dave's laugh and looks around. He looks back to where Dave was, and instead of seeing Dave, he saw a dismembered little girl with Caucasian skin and black hair. William's legs started to feel weak, and he falls to the ground on his hands and knees. "No... NO! What have I done? You poor and innocent little girl. I'M SO SORRY!" William said, with tears in his eyes. Then, he seems to realize something. "This can't be real, no. It's another one of your twisted games, isn't it?!" William says, while getting back up and looking around. "I'm afraid not, William. This is your reality AND YOU REALLY JUST KILLED THAT GIRL!" Dave says that last part maniacally, and then laughs. "No! YOU'RE LYING!" William says. "I'm not lying. You can think that I'm lying, if you want, but I'm telling truth..." Dave says. "Anyway, I think you've taken up too much of my time already. Heheheheh, goodnight, William. Sweet nightmares! Hehehehhahahah!" Dave says. Then, William's vision starts to get engulfed by the darkness. "NO! No..." William says, as he tries to fight it, but he can't, and that damn darkness engulfs his vison, yet again.