Jennifer's Death

Jennifer had found a secret passageway in the basement. The passageway led to, what seemed to be, a laboratory. She noticed a book laying on a desk and picked it up. The text rambled on about children, souls, and being so close. "What the hell?" She says to herself. But what she reads next shocks her the most. "William's body will soon be mine." "Ah, that book is my favorite!" A voice says from behind her. Jennifer quickly turns around and sees William, or whatever this thing is, standing there with a malicious smile on its face. "What are you?" She asks. "Even I don't know the answer to that question, Hun..." He says. Jennifer runs toward the creature and pins it to the wall by its neck with her arm. "Don't call me that!" Jennifer says fiercely. "Feisty as always, aren't we?" The creature says. "It was you, wasn't it? You're the murderer... YOU'VE BEEN USING MY HUSBAND'S BODY TO KILL INNOCENT KIDS!" Jennifer realizes. "No, it was the guy across the street." The creature says sarcastically. Then, it laughs. "'Course it was me." The creature adds. "This some kind of game to you?" Jennifer asks. "Isn't life itself a game? After all, I played you." The creature says. "What do you mean?" Jennifer asks through gritted teeth. "The man you called your husband for the majority of twenty-two years... has been me." The creature says. Jennifer clenches her fist and punches the creature in the face. The creature groans. Then, the groan turns into a laugh. "Careful, you'll ruin William's handsome face, and neither of us want that..." The creature says. "Fuck you!" Jennifer yells. "With all due respect; you already have." The creature says. Then, Jennifer punches the creature again. The creature groans for a moment but regains its composure. "You know, it's funny... Michael's more of a pussy than you are, AND YOU'RE A WOMA-" The creature starts to say, before it is interrupted by a powerful punch from Jennifer. "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY SON LIKE THAT!" Jennifer yells. "I think you knocked out a tooth with that one..." The creature says, before chuckling. "I'll do way more than that in a second." Jennifer says, before pulling out her pocketknife. The creature laughs. "You really want to kill William to get rid of me?" The creature asks. "He'd want this." Jennifer says. "Now die!" Jennifer yells, before stabbing the creature in the heart. "I'm afraid that's not possible. Not anymore." The creature says. "How? How are you still standing? I just stabbed you in the heart!" Jennifer says. "How 'bout I return the favor?" The creature says, before grabbing the knife, and plunging it into Jennifer's heart. "An eye for an eye..." The creature says. "God... damn... you..." Jennifer says, before collapsing. Somehow, the remnant of agony appears. Despite the fact that Jennifer didn't seem to have experienced much agony before she died. "Never done experiments on the remnant of adults... This could be very interesting..." The creature says.