Don't Do It

William wakes up in a room that he doesn't recognize. He was sitting at an office desk. He notices some drawers and opens one of them. Then, he finds a blueprint for something called a "Scalable Creation of Ulterior Presence." He looked at the bottom right corner and saw "Afton Robotics." He immediately knew that he had to stop whatever this thing was, since Dave made it. He then puts the blueprint back in the drawer. Suddenly, a little girl with Caucasian skin, green eyes, and blond hair runs in. "Daddy, can I go play with Circus Baby too?" He didn't know what this "Circus Baby" was, but he knew he had to keep this little girl away from it. "No, sweetie." William says. "What? But I thought she was a gift for me..." The little girl says, confused. "That bastard!" William thinks. "Sweetie, just listen to me... Don't go near that thing. Stay right here, okay?" William says. "Okay daddy." The little girl says.

After a while, the little girl asks: "Daddy, why won't you let me play with her?" William had found the blueprints for this "Circus Baby," and knew he couldn't say the real reason why. Instead, he just stayed silent. "Daddy, you let the other children go see her. Why won't you let me go?" The little girl says. "Because, I can't keep track of every kid, sweetheart." William says. "Daddy, just once let me go play with her. She's so pretty and shiny! Didn't you make her just for me?" The little girl says. "No means no..." William says sternly. "But..." The little girl starts to say but stops in defeat.

"Daddy, she can make balloons! Have you seen her make balloons? Daddy, let me go to her!" The girl says. "NO!" William yells. He realizes that he upset her and cools his temper. "No, sweetheart. I'm sorry..." He reiterates, in calmer tone. "Okay, daddy..." The little girl says sadly.

A few minutes later, William realizes that he might not have much time to destroy that device. "Daddy needs to go take care of something, okay? I'll be right back. Stay right here. You hear me?" William says. "Yes, daddy..." The little girls says. "Good." William says, as he walks out of the room to find wherever that device was and destroy it.

William hears a little boy scream "FATHER!" from behind him. He turns around and sees a little boy with Caucasian skin, blue, almost silver, eyes, and brown hair, running towards him. "What's wrong?" He asks the boy. "It's Elizabeth! she got eaten by the animatronics' stomach!" The little boy said, sounding scared and sad. "Where?" He asks the little boy, urgently. "Over there!" The little boy says, as he points towards a room with a colorful sign that read "Circus Gallery." William runs into the Circus Gallery and sees Circus Baby walking backstage. He runs after the animatronic. In a few moments, he catches up to the animatronic and tries to stop it, but it's too heavy, and its balance is too sturdy. Instead, he looks for any wiring or buttons while the animatronic is walking. He can't find anything. Dave hid them too well. "Fuck!" William says under his breath. He then notices that the animatronic is walking toward the device that he saw in the blueprints. "It's beautiful, is it not? Using life to create life?" Dave says. "You mean fusing your horrible creation with the soul of a child to make it aware? In that case, no it's not, you bitch!" William says. "Oh, come now, William. Look at it this way. Now her soul will live on." Dave says. "BUT SHE WON'T BE HERSELF!" William yells. "Do I sound like I care? I'm focused on results. Nothing more, nothing less." Dave says. "Fuck you!" William says. "Oh, William. This is moving a little bit too fast for me." Dave says, and then laughs. "Oh, hardy har har, Arsehole!" William says. "By the way, that little boy's name is Michael. He's a pussy." Dave says. "HE'S JUST A KID! HE'S SCARED!" William yells. "Scared... That gives me an idea..." Dave says, and then laughs maniacally. "WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING?!" William yells. Dave chuckles and says: "I guess you'll have to wait and find out." "Buh-bye for now, William." Dave says, as William's vision fades to black, once again.