
"Hey boss, I found some more circuit boards that we can scan into the game!" Aiden says, as he carries a box, filled with circuit boards and wires, into Dale's office. "Good job, Aiden. Just set it on the floor right there." Dale says, as he points to a spot on the floor. "I'll get Gabriella to scan them into the game later." Dale says, as Aiden lays the box on the floor. "Okay, boss!" Aiden says, before exiting Dale's office.

Dave wakes up in darkness, waiting for his tormenter to continue tormenting him for his misdeeds. It takes a few moments for Dave to realize that he's not in purgatory anymore. He doesn't know where he is. Suddenly, he's in a Freddy Fazbear's restaurant. He wanders around for a bit, and eventually, he notices floating hands in, what seems to be, an office. He finds this peculiar, but he fits the pieces together when he hears a voice say: "Huh, which animatronic is that? I don't think that one was ever scanned into the game. Then again, I never saw where the circuit boards came from. So, it's probably nothing." "A couple of ignoramuses must have put me into this new game they're developing, and now, thanks to them, I'm back! HAHAHAHAHAH!" Dave says.

Meanwhile, William notices that Dave isn't in his purgatory anymore. Realizing this, he yells "FUCK! GATEKEEPER! GATEKEEPER! DAVE'S GONE!" Suddenly, William hears the gatekeeper's voice echo in his head. "I know. He's back on earth." The gatekeeper says. "FUCK! I WORKED SO HARD TO GET THAT BASTARD IN HELL, WHERE HE BELONGS!" William exclaims. "I know you did, William. But I need you to do it again." The gatekeeper says. There is a moment of silence. "Gatekeeper... my soul is so tired. I don't know if I can." William says. "But William, I NEED you to." The gatekeeper says. "Why me? Why can't anyone else do it?" William asks. "Because... no one else's soul is attached to his." The gatekeeper says. "What? Are you telling me that my soul is still attached to that psychopathic son of a bitch?!" William exclaims. "Yes, William... that's exactly what I'm telling you..." The gatekeeper says. There is another moment of silence. "Okay, I'll do it. Send me back." William says. "Okay, William." The gatekeeper says. Then, William is sent back to earth.

William is now in a pitch-black room. "Where am I?" He asks himself. Then he hears a voice. "Well, hello again, William." The voice says, before chuckling. He immediately knows who it is. "I'M GONNA DRAG YOU BACK INTO THE FUCKING GROUND, WHERE YOU BELONG!" William yells. "No, I don't think you will... After all, it was Henry that started those fires, not you. It was those brats that chased me into that suit, not you. YOU never did anything. YOU were never able to do anything." Dave responds. "You were, are, and will always be... a sad and weak old man, William..." Dave adds. "FUCK YOU AND YOUR TAUNTS!" William yells, trying to pinpoint where Dave's voice is coming from. "You aren't going to find me, William. This place is a labyrinth. In fact, it's even more of a labyrinth than the one Henry made..." Dave says. "Speaking of which, how IS Henry? Oh wait, you don't know, do you? That's right, YOU NEVER WENT TO HEAVEN!" Dave says tauntingly, before laughing. "GOD DAMN YOU, DAVE!" William yells. "He's already tried!" Dave says, before laughing maniacally. "Anyways, I have some brainwashing to do! Buh bye!" Dave says, before his voice seems to cut out. As if he was on an intercom that whole time. "Brainwashing?! Oh, no you fucking don't! Get back here, you bastard!" William says, but Dave doesn't respond. "BLOODY FUCKING HELL!" William yells out of frustration. "I'm getting too old for this!" William says to himself. Regardless, he knows that he has to drag that bastard back down to hell. So, he starts running. He doesn't know where he's going, he just knows that he has to find Dave.