Remember Jeremy?

Dave has been observing the conversations that those people are having outside of this game that he's trapped in, and he has learned that one of their names is "Jeremy." Could it be THAT Jeremy? If so, what a fun coincidence.

William had made his way out of that realm that he was trapped in, and into the real world, with the help of the gatekeeper. He had realized that these people were making some sort of game that was based off of the events that had happened so many years ago. He deduced that Dave must be inside this game. Because of this, he knew he had to get them to stop production, but he didn't know how he was going to do it. He would have tried the writing method, but there's no paper around. No one can hear him either. The only people that WOULD have been able to hear him, would be people that knew him, and everyone that knew him is dead. Except for Jeremy, as far as he knows. It all seemed hopeless, until he heard a man yell: "Hey, Jeremy! I Need you in my office!" "Did he just say "Jeremy?"" William asks. Out of curiosity, he follows the voice to its source. Sure enough, a man with reddish-brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin runs into the room. "Yeah boss?" Jeremy says. It IS Jeremy. That means William has a chance to stop Dave. He lets them get finished with their conversation, and once Jeremy is out of the room, William says: "Jeremy..." "Huh? Who said that?" Jeremy asks. "I did." William says. "Where are you? I don't see you anywhere?" Jeremy says. "You WON'T see me anywhere. Not as a human, at least. My corporeal form no longer exists." I say. "Wait a second. ARE YOU A GHOST?" Jeremy exclaims. "Of sorts..." William says. "Who even are you?" Jeremy asks. William knew that Jeremy had memory loss, so he says: "My name is not important." "What is important is why I'm here." William adds. "Wh-why are you here, then?" He asks. "It's a long story. To put it simply, I was ejected from my body by a-" William starts to say, but suddenly, he's dragged beneath the surface of the earth by an unknown force. "DON'T FINISH THE-" William starts to say again, but his head gets dragged beneath the surface of the earth before he could finish his sentence.

Eventually, William finds himself in, what seemed to be hell. "WHY AM I HERE?!" He screams out, as he hears the screams of the damned all around him. Suddenly, a figure appears. "Well, William. Hell works in a weird way when it comes to you. You see... now that Dave isn't here, you have to take his place." The figure says. "And who the fuck are you supposed to be?" William says. "Oh, I go by many names: "Satan," "The Prince of Darkness," "The Antichrist," or, simply, "Lucifer."" The figure says. "And it appears that I now have you in my collection of souls. So much for stopping Dave, eh?" William scoffs. "Can you just leave me the fuck alone?" William says. "As you wish!" Lucifer says, before disappearing. Then, William does something that he hadn't done in a very long time. He calls on God. "God, I know I'm not the best Christian in the world. But I need your help. Now more than ever. If not for me, then for the countless other innocent souls that will undoubtedly die by Dave's hands." William says. Suddenly, William is transported to an indescribably beautiful place, and sees a figure made of pure light. "I've been waiting to hear something like that from you for the longest time, William." The figure says.