
"However, that is not why you're here." The figure says. "You're here to be judged for every action you've made in your life." The figure adds. "Heh. Did I fail yet again?" William says. "I know you've seen a lot of failure in your life, William. Believe me, I do. But that's what's beautiful about you. No matter how many times you failed, you always stayed determined." The figure says. "Maybe... but determination has nothing to do with religion." William says. Suddenly, the conversation is interrupted by a voice. "FATHER!" The voice cries out. William recognizes the voice. "Michael?!" He says. He looks around and sees Michael running towards him. "Michael!" William yells. Michael eventually gets to William and hugs him. "Michael, I'm so happy to see you..." William says, as he hugs back. He embraces Michael for a while. Then, he realizes something. He stops embracing Michael and turns to face the figure. "Wait... So, does this mean...?" William starts to ask. "Yes, William. You're already in heaven." The figure says "But I d- I-I don't understand... How?" William says, confused. "Through mercy, William. You've already been through hell. I don't see why I should make you go through it again..." The figure says. "Well, that's great, but... I still need to stop Dave! He's my responsibility!" William says. "Father, just let it go..." Michael says, placing a hand on William's shoulder. William spins around to face Michael. "I can't Michael! He's hurt too many innocent people already! Friends, family, bystanders! I won't let him hurt anyone else!" William says. "But father... I don't want to lose you again..." Michael says. "Nor do you have to, Michael. Because he's not going anywhere..." The figure says. William turns around again to face the figure. "YOU'VE SEEN HOW THIS GUY IS! IF ANYONE SHOULD KNOW WHY I NEED TO GO, IT'S YOU!" William yells. Then, there is a moment of silence. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, my lord. I just don't want any more innocent people to die..." William says. "While I understand your concern, William... Your family needs you..." The figure says. "And the people down there don't?" William says. There is another moment of silence. "I'm sorry! But I can't live up here, in a good conscience, knowing that that monster is still down there ruining people's lives!" William says. "Very well, William... I will send you back to earth." The figure says. "Thank you..." William says. William turns around to face Michael. "Don't worry, Michael. I'll be back. I promise." William says, before he's sent back to earth.