Insanity Prevails

"Vanessa... What a beautiful name... For such a beautiful girl... You'll be a great follower..." Dave says. "Get out of my head!" Vanessa says. "Oh, sure! Why don't I just let you kill yourself like Jeremy did, while I'm at it?" Dave says, sarcastically. "No, I NEED you. So, you can free me, and allow me to cause chaos in this world, once again!" Dave adds. "WHAT EVEN ARE YOU?!" Vanessa asks. "Good question... I've thought about that for a long time... and, I've realized... that I can only be described as the embodiment of insanity." Dave says. "More like, the embodiment of annoyance." Vanessa mutters. Suddenly, Vanessa has a horrible migraine, and falls on her knees. "DON'T TEST ME, GIRL! I HAVE MORE POWER OVER YOUR MIND THAN YOU DO! In fact, with each passing second, your will is shrinking more and more." Dave yells. "No. NO! I can't let that happen. I WON'T!" Vanessa says. "You don't have a choice, Vanessa." Dave says. "Now, I think it's time for bed. Goodnight! Damn, it's gonna feel good to do this again!" Dave says, before Vanessa starts to black out. "No! Stop! Please..." Vanessa says, before blacking out.

Vanessa has now become Dave's follower and has made a costume to carry out his wishes. "When I first found you... You were nothing. You were small. Pathetic. But now, you are more. Are you ready?" Dave says. "Yes, I'm ready." Vanessa says.