Every Time You Come Back, I Will Too

William had found himself possessing a new animatronic called "Glamrock Freddy." He started to walk, but it had been over forty years since he was actually able to walk. So, he fell over. "Damn!" He whispers. Eventually, he teaches himself how to walk again. "I gotta find that girl... Vanessa... Before she does anything she'll regret." William says. Unfortunately, it was already too late. Vanessa had already carried out Dave's request to kill several kids. And Dave was already on the brink of getting a new, and improved body.

Eventually, William found a boy, who ran away from him at first. He eventually calmed him down and convinced him that he was there to help. The boy's name was Gregory. "Gregory... I will do whatever I can to protect you..." William says. "However, this... body's form of energy... requires charge... As you can see from this cute little watch that I snagged from the security room..." William adds, before giving Gregory the watch. "So that means... I won't have you to help me all the time..." Gregory says. "Yes, Gregory. But you seem like a smart kid. I have no doubt that you can make it without me for however long it takes this body to charge." William says, putting a hand on Gregory's shoulder. "We should get going." Gregory says. "Indeed." William says.

It was a long night. Mechanical monstrosities chased Gregory relentlessly, and so did Vanessa. Regardless, William had finally found Dave, but he was too late. Dave had already created his new body. "Well, well, well. If it isn't William. Tell me, how does it feel to be possessing an animatronic? Do you feel stronger? Like you can do anything? Well, that's not how I felt when I was first possessing one. All I felt was pain." Dave says. "Of which, you deserved, and still deserve." William says. Then, William whispers to Gregory. "Get the gasoline and lighter." William and Gregory had found a canister of gasoline and a lighter in the S.T.A.F.F. room earlier that night. "Okay!" Gregory says and starts to run off. "Where do you think you're going, boy?" Dave says, before sending Roxanne and Glamrock Chica after him, but William intervenes and grabs both of them. "Quick, Gregory! I can't hold them off forever!" William yells, before Gregory continues to run. "WHATEVER! I STILL HAVE MY WILLING FOLLOWER!" Dave yells, as Vanessa skips out of the shadows in her rabbit suit. "Vanessa, you don't have to do this! I was once where you are now! I thought I couldn't fight him, and sometimes, I still think I can't, but I KNOW you don't wanna do this! And I KNOW it's hard to fight, but that's the only way we can beat him!" William says. "I'm trying, but it's so hard. He's literally INSIDE my head!" Vanessa says. "All it will take is a few minutes! You can fight him that long, right?" William says. "I think so!" Vanessa says. "Well then, it seems you've outlived your usefulness to me, Vanessa." Dave says, before Vanessa suddenly drops to the ground. "I guess I have to do everything myself." Dave says, as he starts to run after Gregory. "NO!" William says, as he pushes the animatronics off of him, and starts to chase after Dave.

Gregory had gotten the gasoline and lighter, and when he walked out of the S.T.A.F.F. room, he saw Dave running towards him. Fortunately, William catches up to Dave, and starts to fight him. "GREGORY, GIVE ME THE GASOLINE AND LIGHTER!" William yells, before Gregory slides the canister and lighter to him. He grabs the canister and lighter, pours the gasoline on Dave, and lights the lighter. "Every time you come back... I will too, Bitch." William says, before lighting Dave on fire, and grabbing him, to make sure he can't get away. "WILLIAM!" Gregory yells. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, GREGORY! JUST GET OUT OF HERE, AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" William yells. "GET OFF OF ME!" Dave yells, as he hits William in the face. Then, Gregory runs away.

There was a long struggle between Dave and William, but in the end, William won. He found himself back in heaven. Eventually, he finds Michael, and says. "I told you I'd be back." Then, Michael hugs him, and he hugs back. Eventually, Michael stops hugging William, and says "Come on, Father. Mother, Jeremy, and Elizabeth want to see you too." as he starts to walk away. Then, William smiles; happy that he's going to see the people that he lost so long ago.