
Chapter 8: He comes to see me. Part 2

(POV: Kit)

'Hello Kit.' He walked towards me. He was glaring at me, it was kind of terrifying. His whole appearance was scary. He was a foot taller than me and wore dark clothes (he has obviously changed since dinner). He took another step closer to me and I one away from him. 'Don't be scared. I won't hurt you.' he smirked then laughed.

'Good evening your majesty.' yep I'm really nervous, he was standing in front of me and staring at me. Oh goodness, someone please send help. My prayers weren't answered. He stepped closer to me and I kept stepping back until I hit the bed, I hit the bed and fell. The King just laughed at me.

'Oh no the little bunny has fallen over. Do you need help?' he laughed more. I sat up and stared at him. 'Guards leave us, I can look after myself.' he called to the door. Oh no what is he doing the one thing i had as protection against him were the guards and now they are gone. He walked over to the window and opened the curtain. He walked back towards me and offered me his hand and I took it. He walked us to the window.

He rubbed my hand, his hands were so soft and I could feel sparks jump from his hand to mine. He seemed to notice and pulled a face at me.

'What is the matter, your majesty?'

'Sparks. Sparks are the problem. What are you?' his words became harsh and angry. I ran over to the small table near the fire and grabbed the green card the old lady gave me earlier.

'Would this explain things? The old lady gave it to me earlier and told me to only show it to you when we were alone.' I asked hoping it would answer his question. His face softened and he seemed less tense. I looked at his face properly for the first time, he was so handsome. His jaw was perfect, his lips i could kiss them right now, they look so soft. His eyes were amber and they shone like the sun, they were so beautiful I could stare into them all night. Only if he didn't wear that damn mask, he wouldn't look as scary and probably look more handsome than he already was.

'Your test was inconclusive?' I nodded. 'Did she mark you? Where is it?'

'Yes she marked me, no I'm not showing you where she marked me. You have no right to look at my body.' I yelled at him a little.

'Show me now!' he growled. I walked away holding my body. 'Oh I see you scared of what I might see, don't worry bunny I won't do anything, yet. Anyway you have to pay me back for being late to my dinner party.' he chuckled and bit his lip while scanning my body.

'What do you want me to do, your "Majesty".' I was rather angry with him now. This ass of a man was scanning my body and taunting that he was going to do something to me.

'You will not be able to relax in the morning like the rest of the girls. You are to wake up at the same time as the maids. I will inform your maid to wake you up. You are to come to my chamber everyday and serve me.'

'Like a maid, don't you already have enough of them. Why do you want me?' I interrupted him, bad mistake he grabbed my wrist. I cried a little in pain, but I was also enjoying the sparks flying between our skin felt amazing.

'Don't interrupt me. You were late to my dinner, a present to all the girls who come to the palace. You are to serve me until the other girls wake up then you may go join them. I will have clothes sent to you, which you will wear when you come to me. Do I make myself clear?'

'Yes your majesty. How long do I have to do this?' I asked. Another mistake, he grabbed my wrist tighter, this time I cried out a little louder.

'Until I say so.' he let go of my wrist. 'I'm sorry bunny did I hurt you?' he looked at my wrist and there were fingermarks left behind. He smiled at what he had done. He kissed my hand and left the room.