
Chapter 9: Bifigual

(POV: Leo)

I left Kit's room, my lips buzzing with electricity. I had kissed her hand before I had left, it was meant mainly as an apology for hurting her, but I didn't feel sorry in the slightest. She talked back to me. I am feared everywhere, yet I could not scare her.

'Julius!' I probably woke up a few of the girls in that corridor. 'Julius!' a cloud of smoke came creeping from behind me, 'ah finally, I want you to bring Kit's clothes up in the morning. She is to wear the clothes of a maid but red. And do not let that girl leave the castle'

'Did you say "Kit", your highness?' he looked so worried yet happy at the same time.

'Yes, why is it of your concern?'

'It's nothing.' I laughed at his words, he could not lie.

'Fine, goodnight Julius.'

I clapped my hands and a door appeared at the end of the corridor. I went through the door into the library.

'A Bifigual,' I said as I picked up a book, 'the first one in fifty years, and this one is very powerful but she does not know it yet.'

(POV: Kit)

After the king left I lay down on the bed exhausted, it was so late and I have had no rest since this morning. I sighed loudly and relaxed a little more. I got up and changed into my nightgown. Now I could sleep.

'Hello,' someone knocked on the door. 'Kit can I come in?'

'Yes , come in.'

They opened slowly.

'Julius! Oh my gosh, how are you here?'

'I'm the prince. The king's cousin and oldest friend.' he looked worried as I scowled at him.

'Why didn't you tell me?' he became even more worried.

'I was just Julius in the woods, chasing you, my rabbit. I didn't believe you needed more information of who I was, besides you might have treated me differently.' I laughed.

'So you didn't tell me, did you think you couldn't trust me?' I turned away from him trying to hide my anger. He was my closest friend and he did not tell me who he really was.

'What would you have done, I couldn't lose you.'

'Fine come away from the doorway.' I ran to him and hugged him so tight. At least I would have him at the palace.

We walked over to the bed and sat down. We talked a little more and hugged each other slightly, today had been stressful. I fell asleep to him talking to me and leaning on his shoulder.

I dreamt of a woman that night, she stood in front of the king. He looked angry and in awe.

'Bifigual, what are you doing here? It is too dangerous for you.'

'But no one knows I exist, I don't even bare a mark.' the woman spoke as though she could control the king, yet he was also in control of her. She looked up at the king, his clothes were so old. They looked nothing like the style of clothes he was wearing before. The style of clothes he was wearing looked like they did over 200 years ago.

'My dreams have been getting worse and you know that, you can see them too.' the woman shivered. 'They are mostly of you in the future and past but with hundred of years difference. How old are you?'

'Two thousand years old. And you are the first bifigual I have encountered who can see the past and future and not just dreams of their powers. You are very interesting my dear.'

'Kit!' someone shouted. 'Kit get out of my head.'

'What?' I asked the voice back.

'Get out of my head, Kit.' the voice became clearer, it was the king. 'Get out of my head, NOW.'