3 The attack

It was almost midnight when Sofia and Jackson heard whispers and silent movements around the vicinity. They were in the basement that had a link to the house.

"Stay here."

 She instructed her brother as she went through the door leading to the building.

She had handed over to him a walky-talky. 

"Don't let this out of your site. Push this button," she said, showing him a red button behind it, "if you're in trouble and this button," showing him a green button, "if you need to pass an important information."

"Where are you going? It's safe down here, isn't it?" he asked, worried.

"I'll be fine."

There were two entrances to the basement: The first was the door that was still within the compound. Outside, it was covered with sand and leaves that didn't snap when walked upon. The second was the tiny-square door that led to Sofia's room.

She snuck out of a small square-looking door attached to a carpet in her room next to her bed. 

Climbing out silently and closing the exit, she snuck out of her room and walked towards a wall opposite her door. Pushing a small part of the wall , it turned over silently, revealing some self defense weapons. Within seconds, she grabbed and wore a few. She could sense a few people around the stairs at the corridor. With the help of dim lights, she saw the shadow of a hand signaling the others to move upstairs where she was.

Sofia was fully fortified with gadgets. Gadgets her brother never knew she had or existed in the house. Two of her gadgets were sticky gloves and sticky boots. It enabled you to climb on walls without falling. A shadow crept up the stairs when she snuck back into her room. There were five men.

She had a remote. It controlled all traps in the house. Using all traps in the house meant destroying the whole building. Well,it is an emergency.


Someone voiced, almost making no sound.

Slowly, they crept into the room, her room, hiding, waiting to attack.

Strangely and calmly, a voice from nowhere welcomed them.

"Knock knock."

They jolted around in fear when one answered;

"Who's there?"