4 Mystery

Back in the basement...

Jackson was worried, watching Sofia was climb up back to the house, alone. He couldn't help but feel anxiety as he saw her shadow vanish with her. He paced around the basement, confused on what to do. 

Tired of standing and pondering on what to do, he decided to rest on the bed by the wall. Their basement was quite extraordinary. It wasn't as old, dark, eerie and dusty as most basements, rather it was well furnished and painted. It looked like an extra room in the house with a working space. The lights weren't so bright to avoid illumination of light sneaking out of the corners of the basement entrances. 

Moreover, Sofia often went down into the basement when she needed moments to work, think or be alone. Her brother hadn't known of the entrance to her room until tonight.

There was a desk with a few books and a system, a cupboard with provisions, books and shoes, and a mini wardrobe of casual wear. The bed was wide enough for three and the floor was rugged although tiled. 

Jackson wondered how his sister put all this in place. He couldn't doubt thep fact that she may have done it all, herself.

Jackson grew bored of lying around.

Restlessly, he examined his environment, throwing his head left, right and center until his gaze landed on the computer system.

He stood up and approached the system, turning it on. While waiting, he examined the walky-talky his sister had given to him. It looked rather expensive compared to the once he'd seen and used before. Then he began to wonder.

'Since when could Sofia afford such a gadget?'

His mind drifted to their financial status which led him into this mess.The rays of light from the monitor pulled him back to existence. Stretching his hand out to the mouse to click away his mysteries, a voice startled him.

"Hello, Jackson."