5 Correct?

"Hello, Jackson."

Jackson couldn't believe his ears.

'No! It can't be.'

He turned around slowly, hoping his ears were really deceiving him. He was welcomed by a devilish smile on a dark, alluring face.


"So you recognize me! That's wonderful,"

he said histerically.

He wasn't there alone. He had two other men behind him. Jackson was shivering. He wished he could disappear from this spot to the best hiding place as if playing hide and seek. Before Jackson and his boss could utter another word, they were taken by surprise by two thuds on the floor. 

 His boss was about reaching for something in his pocket, before choosing to turn around swiftly, but he was kicked to the floor from his back. He landed on his knees, before rapidly turning around to see the idiot that dared attack him. 

It was a lady. A beautiful, daring, but stupid lady. 

He was taken away by her outlooks. She was the definition of danger and beauty. Snapping her gun and aiming straight for his head; 

" So you're the bafoon stressing me out today."

She said, casually.

He was dumbstruck. He loved her boldness. She showed no sign of fear as if this was a normal thing for her. Her voice was enough to take him to heaven. She looked pure making him want to make her his.

"I believe you are--Edward's son. Correct?"

she asked the two of them. Jackson could only shake his head to confirm her negative.

"What's his damn name?" she asked her brother.

 Jackson swallowed hard. His name was too scary to be said out loud by anyone. Although, he knew his sister. She could shoot him in the leg at this point if he wasted anymore time. Yeah, she was that impatient, even with him.

Besides, he was the cause of all this commotion.

He closed his eyes, tightened his grip and it felt almost like forever for his throat to release the sound to pronounce his name. Jackson wondered if this happened every single time other human souls eho tried or wanted to pronounce his name. He always wondered why, yet, the name gave the chilling reason.


It was not a normal name for a person to possess. Or so he concluded.

The atmosphere shook a little, yet his sister didn't budge an inch.

"Who is he to Edward?"

She asked confused on the connection with this man to their father's murderer. Her mind was fixed on killing him. But where's the fun in torturing him after finding out who he is and what he was after?

He looked at his boss and shifted back, hoping nothing would happen as he answered. This situation was so awkward for him. He was so terrified of his boss and also dangerously afraid of his elder sister. The two had a similarity of invoking fear.

"He's his younger brother."

"Okay," she said, having enough she needed to finish him off, "let's end this nonesense here and now." 

Sofia had had just about enough of that murderer's family. She had hoped for this moment to kill the bastard that took their parents away from them. She felt so overjoyed that she would be able to watch his relation, at least, die in her hands. Then, he would be next. But something struck her at this point.

If Demona is Edward's younger brother that means Edward is still alive, right? But come to think of it, how come his younger brother defeated him? 

She shrugged off the questions aside.

It didn't matter. What mattered now was to kill this murderer or murderer's brother. That would be the best way to get the murderer's attention, wouldn't it? Or were their hearts so cold, the wouldn't feel the loss.

 She had thought such a moment would never come. She wanted nothing to do with her past because of her brother. She went through hell just to ensure her brother never got to even know about the truth. But, the truth will always be revealed. Her finger slowly readied to pull the trigger when a smoke suddenly speedily filled the room, making it hard to see.

Demona began rising to his feet, dusting himself, while she was perfecting her aim. She didn't shoot, wondering why this man was not afraid like his men were.

As expected of a man incharge.

When she saw he was about getting up, she commanded;

"Stay down." Her voice showing no sign of fear. Yet, he didn't comply as if he hadn't heard her. 

Having no patience for repeating things twice, she shot at him, and the bullet hit his left knee. He didn't yelp, he didn't scream and his expression was stoic.

Sofia almost gasped with her lips in a little bit if awe. Maybe she's seeing things, or she missed.

Jackson and Sofia were perplexed for a moment. They didn't understand this abnormality. A smile crept on his face not reaching his eyes when he locked his gaze with Sofia's. She wasted no time in aiming for the next shot, when she began to feel weak. Her legs began to shiver, preparing to take her to the floor. She felt like her energy was being taken away, like something was taking control of her body. Pain began to take over her body until she gave in, falling, curling herself on the floor. She struggled to pull the simple trigger even though she felt like a force was stopping her, weakening her, and seeking control of her will power.

Jackson, in full anxiety, had snuck out his gun from his pocket once he got the chance. Without further ado, he released five bullets into Demona's head from behind. The bullets broke open his skull, creating a disgusting sight. 

Jackson felt satisfied but scared as his body, yet again, didn't flinch at the attack. He still stood there as of nothing had happened, like a robot not injured, although his head looked bashed open. The blood ran down his clothes. He was like the walking dead. The aura in the basement began to change negatively.

Jackson wanted to make a run for it. When all of a sudden, he felt light headed, the room became foggy, and the lights darkened.

Just as he was about falling into unconsciousness, he felt a tight grip around his neck and his life snapped back into his body to fight for his last breath. His eyes were wide open in complete fear before he shut them, drained by the fear of the sight he had glimpsed.

He struggled and pushed with his eyes shut against the figure. His sight became blurry while he fought for his life, trying to gasp for air.

Fortunately, he managed to get a hold of the hand strangling him into a position that he could breath to gain back a little energy. But when he accidentally opened his eyes again, terror drained away all the energy he had left, as he locked his gaze with Demona's.

His eyes sent a broken alarm to his brain on the abnormal. 

This dead looking man's eyes became ebony right before his eyes. His body could be compared to that of decaying corps. He face darkened into paleness with his eyes, and his dark veins popped declaring his blood were black not red. Whatever light that gave Jackson strength, evaporated within seconds, and darkness took over.