6 Sweet little brother

The world was dead before me.

Silence welcomed me, accompanied by darkness. Everything seemed dead. Besides that, one thing remained alive.

It approached me at a pace ever so slow. I felt weak. My body told me something was draining my blood away. The air informed my skin of a dangerous aura close by. The sound of thuds closed in on me.

Then, the memories began returning to their slots one by one.

The shot. The pain. Jackson.

It all came clear, a little. I struggled to rise up from my lying position but it seemed impossible. Never have I felt such intriguing pain before. 

"S-Sofia." A deep voice called with so much delicacy.

I fought the pain to see who it was. Seeing him, finilalised my lost memories. He crouched down, raising my chin so I could meet his eyes. His touch had with a sense of hell. His eyes and expression were pale. He looked dead, nonetheless very much alive. But when he touched me, something left me and his look returned to his extraordinary self. 

I winsed, groaning in pain. The pain was very strange. I felt I was supplying someone part of my life. 

"What are you?" 

"W-what do you want from me?"

I managed to ask in a weary voice.

I felt him smile, before he replied.

"I need your body and your soul . . . for a simple project," he joked.

I had to stare at him to comprehend his statement.

"You, my dear, are my ticket to immortality and possession of the greatest power ever to be known in darkness." He whispered, closing in.

I became terrified. Despite this, my stubborn self took over again, though I was in my weakest state.

"And what makes you think I--I would do as you ask."

I said with the all the courage and strength I had left.

His smile turned wicked. He moved away as if to reveal something. I was confused and scared at first by his reaction. I thought he was going to do something to me when something caught my eye.

A lifeless body.

The body was decaying slowly before my eyes. I knew it wasn't one of his men that I killed. They were much taller and bigger than what I was beholding. My vision was blurry, so I couldn't decifer who it was. 

Seeing my expression, he wiped away my confusion.

"That . . ." he paused to get my attention, 

" . . . is your sweet little brother."



It can't . . . be!

What was he talking about? My brother!

My heartbeat accelerated while my mind fought his words in disbelief. I strained my eyes, trying to ignore its fuzziness. 

"No," escaped my lips as I shook my head in unacceptance. 

"No! Why did you kill him?" 

I yelled pushing myself up, punching him hard on the chest so weakly that I slipped out of balance. He moved back a little, a bit surprised even though he was not remorseful at all.

"I had to," was all he said casually.

I wanted to kill him, and I wanted to die. The only family I had left is now gone.

"Why? You murderer! Have you no conscience ? You're a beast, a monster. I hate you! I hate you! Just kill me already, since killing my family has become you and your damn brother's hobby."

He stopped me there with a voice ever so deadly.

"Never you call him my brother." 

Tears welled up in my eyes while sorrow escaped my lips, uncaring about his words.

He looked at me as if it weren't his fault, like he wanted nothing to do with such situations.


"Your father--" he began to explain, "--was in dept to my subordinate demon lord. I have only come to collect what is rightfully mine."

Her crying eyes looked at him, not believing what she was hearing.

"He swore your family as his punishment if his faulted in their agreement. And, that is why they died one by one."

Fear swallowed her pain. She didn't know what to do or say. 

"S-so you're going to...k-kill me as well?"

She did say she wanted to die, but the thought of being killed still brought that sense of trepidation.

He moved away from her and rested on the wall with his left leg stretched out and the other bent in so that he could rest well on it.

He looked at her for a moment as if deciding on what to do with her. Her head started to ache drastically. She closed her eyes and turned away to avert his gaze. She thought he was using his powers on her again. She was wrong. Was it her telepathy power was reactivating? Or was she reacting to his doing?

She crouched lower to the ground, holding her head as she groaned bitterly in pain.

"Stop! Stop! Make it stop!"