9 Silly and useless

I opened my eyes, and was welcomed by darkness. I felt it wasn't long when i fell into insentience. I looked around in search of the lifeless bodies that were around me, but all to no avail. 

Examining my surroundings, I found nothing but the feeling of loneliness.

"Hello," I called.

My voice echoed through the darkness. The aura I was getting gave me a feeling that I was not in the world anymore. I began to wonder if I was dead, if I was in the afterlife. I didn't know what to do. 

'Wait. Demona.'

I didn't know who else could help me. I felt trapped with that sense of danger lurking around.

"Demona!" I whispered, not wanting to hear myself.

Then, a cold chilling aura filled the darkness. I looked around in search for him, knowing he was the cause of the change of atmosphere. Turning around, I was startled by a tall muscular being dressed like royalty. I lifted my head to meet his gaze but I think that was a mistake. I almost drowned in those hypnotising eyes. 

"What?" was all he said, pulling me back to 'reality' .

For the first time, I renoticed how breathtaking this man looked. His hair was nicely jelled, his finely structured face complemented by his ever so wonderful lips alone was enough to sweep every being that encountered him off their feet, and his muscular body structure strangely gave a chill down the spine. 

Stylishly, I looked at myself feeling not in his class. Oddly, I was wearing a nice simple short sleeved slim fitted white gown, reaching my knees. I felt my hair was let loose and I wasn't wearing any footwear. I wondered how I got into this outfit. Although I looked beautiful, naturally, I hated my outfit mainly because it couldn't be compared to the indescribable beauty that stood before me, and that I simply hated gowns. I never knew why.

"I'm lost." 

I said, looking around for any familiar environment but I got nothing.

"So, you called me to find you?"

He replied, raising a brow as if he didn't understand my situation. I landed him a stern look telling him he knew what I meant.

Firmly, I said: "Why am I here? I know this is your doing."

He heaved out silently, like he was busy with some important meeting before being called and asked a useless question.

"You are here to fulfil your mission."

"And what is my mission?"

I inquired, wondering what impossible mission he had installed for me.

"That--is for you to find out." He paused and scanned me from head to toe as if searching for something.This didn't make any sense. Why am I to look for my mission?

"But," I began to protest before I was cut off.

"There are two rules for you to follow if you value your life." He added.

Okay, this was getting serious. Bewildered, I questioned again:

"What do you mean by that?"

Somehow, I felt Demona knew how to avoid questions; too many questions with just a few words. He was truly a man of few words. 

"Your limit is 24 hours. You will be using the earthly time for now. You must accomplish a task at least, everyday. Why?" he asked, knowing my next question,

"Because when you fail to do this, you will either die slowly in this world or completely, depending on how far you went in accomplishing your task."

I stood there in bewilderment and confusion. Stepping back a little, "But why am I being given such--" she trailed off, looking for a word to classify this madness. She found none.

"I don't have time for silly and useless questions Pearl."

'Pearl? Did he just call me Pearl?'

"Hey mister, if you had forgotten my name you could have just said it. You don't need to give me a new one 'cause I don't need it."

"That will be your name from now on in this world," sounding authoritative as ever. I couldn't argue or say anything but listen to his outrageous conditions and rules. But then, a sensible question popped into my head: "What's the second rule?"

A smile snuck onto his face as he locked his eyes with mine. "On no account must you return to your body until I permit you to."

"What? That's outrageous! Why--but--why?"

I attacked, staring at him in utter dismay. 

This was just too popostorus. Why can't I have access to my body? What does he want with it?

Wait. Does that mean I'm not dead? What is really going on?

Oh, this moron is going to get it from me. But I can't do that 'cause I'm powerless in this world.

My rage filled me once again, making wish I could kill this prince charming.

"And what will happen if I don't?"

You could here the anger in my voice. 

He let out an evil giggle making me curious on what wasn't impossible for him to do against me.

"Why don't you find out?"

His voice carried a dangerous aura that sent out a clear warning, making me swallow hard, unconsciously. Ignoring my shocked self, he crossed the distance between us, slipping his gorgeous hands into his deep pockets and bent down a little to whisper into my ears until I could feel his calm breath landing on my skin.

I froze, confused, perhaps not too surprised. I wondered whether he wanted to bite me because, what the heck! But I was relieved when I managed to see his hands running their way through his pockets.

"There's a timer on your left hand..."

I looked to confirm that. He was right.

"Your time is ticking little one." 

Uttering his last words, he vanished when a light broke out of the darkness almost making me go blind. I had to use my hands against my eyes to prevent its rays.

 The smell of nature filled my nose and immediately my mind went to finding my first task.