10 A cave


       My time was running out. It was still daytime here but I knew it was already night in the physical world. I'd been walking and searching for answers or clues I could use in finding out what my task for today was but I found nothing and this was getting me disturbed.

Then, a voice cried for help as if in danger far off in the jungle. I took to my heels towards the voice, encouraging; "Hold on!" Fighting and beating the leaves that stood in my way as I ran towards the  crying voice until, I got lost.

- - -

For the first time, she was lost. Lost in a jungle. She tried to find her way back ... but it seemed impossible. Every track she took led her back to the entrance of a cave. A cave that had never existed in this part of the jungle before since her seaech. She never believed in spirits or ghosts until she encountered Demona.  She finally gathered courage to explore the cave and find the voice that cried for help, hoping that unknown person could contribute to her discovering her task ,when she gave up finding her way around.

- - -

     I grew tired of playing hide and seek, finding my way through the thick forest. So I decided going into the cave with the hope that it led to anywhere safe but here. 

    Making my way through was supposed to be frightening or scary but it was rather fascinating and mysterious.

    This cave was ... strange. Quite unusual. The walls had glowing stones or rather ... gems of different colors that glowed to light up the path from the walls to the roof top. The path led to a stairs that descended. From my point of view, I sighted bright shades of light.

     'Where is that coming from?'. I thought feeling relieved. I made my way down, minding every step I took. Still with my tentacles alert, I peeped to see if my suspicions were true. Instead, I found something else.

     GEMS. Four magnificent glowing GEMS. Taken away by the fortune that stood before my eyes, I unconsciously walked towards these precious stones.

 As I took another step closer, I heard a bang that brought me back to reality. I looked around in a defense position, preparing myself when another strange thing occurred. Although I looked odd in a defense pose, wearing a gown. I felt embarrassed.

         Three gems were each on three cylindrically table shaped rocks in a horizontal order. The fourth gem was heart shaped and was located in the center of the rock that had the second gem.

        The first gem was a Diamond, the second was a Ruby, the third was an Emarald and the fourth gem... I've never seen it before, but it was black and red.


    Suddenly, I heard a voice whisper which made me jump back into my fearless defense position.

       "Have thou come to steal from me?

        Or my gems are what you seek."

I searched my surroundings quickly and took a few steps backwards to get a glimpse of the stairs but I saw no one.

        "Who are you?"

     "That question is mine to ask

      To an imposter who seeks my wrath"

The voice sounded masculine, yet feminine. It echoed through the cave which made determining its gender impossible. 

Realizing that my presence was angering whoever or whatever was speaking, I decided to answer in the manner the voice spoke.


     "Sorry...if...thou art offended

        I lost my way...It was not intended."


       "Art thou human or spirit?"

         "I am human"

        "Humans are not allowed in this place that is sacred.

          Thou must pick a fate or become 


The voice said with much authority.

My mind began searching for ideas to get out of this death and life situation I got myself into.

    'I should have just continued finding my way out in the forest.' I thought, scolding myself.

        "What ... fate... awaits those..."

  ' Ugh...this rhyming thing is so hard.'

        "... who... don't want to be late?"

I got my reply in an instant;

      "The stones shall decide 

       The fate thou shall see

       Pick one, have no pride

        Or dead thou shall be"

Why is death the only punishment around here?

I swallowed hard as the voice echoed dangerously. I stepped forward wondering which I should pick.

' Is it the diamond? White does stand for pure, doesn't it? Oh God! What am I going to do?'

My mind began feeling uneasy with the idea I'll die living no legacy or a memory people will remember me for. I can't die like this.

'Okay God. I'll believe you exist if you please get me out of this freaking mess. I didn't want to come to you like this, but I don't want to die. I'm not ready to die. Pretty please!'

I prayed in my mind.

Somehow, I got a reply. It was so faint, I believed it was my mind talking to me.

'Pick the red and black stone'

'Red and black! But doesn't that stand for evil? Darkness?'

I got nothing. Having a leap of faith that my mind wasn't pulling another prank on me, I pulled out the red and black stone.

In less than a moment, the cave began to rumble and fall apart. The grounds began to open, creating pits that was covered by darkness. But from the sounds of the falling rocks that entered the pits, surely there where spiky rocks beneath because all I heard from the falling rocks were crashes from below.


'Oh! So dying is the fate for me, isn't it?'

Wasting no second, I practically flew up the stairs, heading towards the exit. Before I could make it, the exit got blocked by huge falling rocks. I thank God none landed on me.

The rocks seemed to be averting my positions. I think it was either God at work or it was the stone I was holding.

    "Stretch out the stone towards the rocks."

I heard the voice say again. Hastily, i complied when a rock almost smashed my head. Following instruction, the rocks burst out, paving way for me to pass through. Like a bird, I flew out of the entrance and just in time. 

Not a minute I jumped out, the walls of the cave crashed down with a hammering noise.

I, panting from my long jump experience, was flat on my belly with my hands over my head, with one hand holding the stone tightly. Recovering from my shock, I managed to sit down, though I was trembling terribly.I brought my hand closer to get a better look at the stone when I saw the mark on my right hand. It replaced the timer. It was a name written in an ascending order. I was confused at first before I was able to put it together.

    "What is this?... D... N...O... hold on. D...E..S...M...O...N...D. Desmond?"