11 Kidnapped

...Somewhere in the dark forest...

I felt light-headed for some reason. I felt my body trapped onto something. As I fell slowly to consciousness, I realized that I was tied to a tree. I was confused. Then I tried to recall what had happened to me that landed me in such a situation. I don't remember tying myself up. Even the position I was in proved impossible for me to have done.

My back was against the tree. My tongue yearned in thirst. I felt weak and dizzy, as if something was draining my energy.

   "Pearl...what a beautiful name for an unfortunate girl like you."

I looked around to search for the voice that called my name. Her tone sounded like she was responsible for my situation.

"Who are you?"

She didn't reply me.

"You Deviless! Show yourself."

Something loomed around in the dark before becoming invisible in the night light.

Indeed she was a beauty. Yet, she had this aurora of darkness my soul just couldn't over look. For once, I felt power flowing through my vains. I've never experienced anything like it.

"What do want from me?"

"Your soul in my control."

That was straight forward.


"You are the key to my treasure. That's why your trapped in this place."

Why on earth is this Deviless beating around the bush. I was getting furious. Somehow, my anger stirred up a lot of energy in me. I could feel it. I've never felt so powerful, so courageous. I could feel the world in my control.

"What I want is quiite simple. Just comply with everything and I'll spare your life."

"What am I supposed to comply to?"

I asked not believing anything that came out of that lying tongue.

"It's simple."

Crossing the distance between us, she pinned my neck down to the tree with such strength I never thought a female could have. Then I remembered, she's not a human.

"I want your blood. Not all of it...just perhaps a handful."

'Use your powers.'

Ugh great. It was that voice again. 

'How? I don't know how to activate it.'

'Do you believe you can?'

It whispered again. I doubted the Deviless could hear our conversation.

'Yeah, I do. Hey hurry up, will you? I can't breathe.'

'' Call Elyon"

I did as I was instructed. Immediately, I felt more energy fill my spirit. The Deviless felt it too. It seemed to burn her as she let loose her grip. She seemed to gasp and step away from me while I broke out of the ropes.


My tone was weak from the grip, yet, the heavens seemed to call the name with me.

Then, growls were heard in the bushes. And red glimmering lights followed glowing on the leaves as they fought against what makes through them. I saw one, then two, then six...they seemed to come from every direction.

The Deviless and I looked around in fear on what was coming. But my fear felt positive because in a way, I felt what ever beast it beasts were coming wasn't going to hurt me.

She made an attempt to vanish, but it was in vain. For the first time,I noticed the fear and desperation in her voice and action before a roar shook the earth. The wind became wild. It was coming from above. 

We managed to stare at the sky with our hands against our faces. I never thought my eyes would ever behold such a beast. 

There was a gigantic firery dragon that flew and paused in the air right above us. Everything that happened seemed to only affect the Deviless.

She screamed at such a peak that made me cover my ears. Seven firely lions jumped out from the bushes, revealing themselves. Their presence were flaming hot. In seconds, the lions roared out fire, and so did the dragon. Everything happened so fast as a bright light blew out of no where almost blinding my eyes. Then, everything was quiet. Only the dancing of the leaves was heard.

The voice that had been guiding me, spoke again. But this time, it sounded as if she was standing not to far away from me.

"Well done Pearl."

I searched the environment for the angelic voice that spoke to me. When I found her, she was beyond words to be described.