12 At a price


My mother was a witch and my father was a wizard. When they had me, they put my life in the hands of Lucifer. 

They devoted my life spiritually to worship and serve him. 

As I grew, it was in the ways of my parents . But none of their powers I studied and practiced on ever worked. Jason, my only friend who was a demon, had instructed me, before he left me alone, not to give up until my powers awakened.

The night before the new year was my birthday. I was 14 when Pa and Ma had passed away. I was now living with my uncle, who was just a mere ignorant human. 

As a kid, I'm supposed to be excited, celebrating the new year with my family. But I wasn't because I wanted mother and father alive again.

Mother had once taught me of a spell that could bring back the dead. But I never took much cognisance of it because as of then, I didn't need to use it. During this time, witches, wizards and all other beings in the realm of darkness are always busier than ever with thier evil setting of plans for the next year while I was in my room determined for at least the spell of invocation to work. 

 "It has to work...", I said to myself, "... unless I'll stop believing in this shit."

Suddenly, it worked. Two words appeared in a short distance from my bed in my room, right in front of me. On my left, Evil, on my right, Good. Then, two beings appeared before me. The first was as pure as Heaven, dressed in a simple long white gown. The other looked bad, dressed slightly in a sexy way. What shocked me was that these two beings were the exact replica of... me. 

Not surprised, words began to be written in the colors black and white in midair in between a short distance of the two beings. The words were white on the side of the pure being, black on the tainted one.

" You have been given a choice. 

                 EVIL or GOOD. "

I was to choose between the two of them. The one that would bring mother and father back to me. 

As I was about choosing, for the first time I was having second thoughts about my decision. 

'What if this doesn't work? What would it be like to be good?'

No, family comes first. But who can help me with my wish?

"Good", I called and she looked at me with the purest eyes I've ever seen.

"Can you bring my parents back?"

With the purest smile I doubted I could ever achieve with the same face, she answered; "No, Desdemona".

'What? Then why are you appearing before me?'

"But... why can't you?", I asked with a part of me wanting to choose her to know what to be good feels like.

"I'm sorry Desdemona. I know how much you want to be with your parents but the living are to have no connection with the dead ... but with me you can have access to everything wonderful life has to offer that is beyond your wildest dreams and imagination. Most of all... I can give you eternal life"

 'What is she saying? I'm talking about my parents, she's talking about eternal life? Don't demons have eternal life?'

Ignoring getting offended;

"Do you think Evil can do what you can't?"

Her smile increased slightly as if saying,

'She doesn't know' somehow.

"Evil gives with one hand and takes with the other."

What are you trying to say Good?

"What are you saying?"

All she did was stare at me with a smile. 

I sighed out of frustration, wishing to choose her. But now i doubted my faith in her.

I turned to Evil. She was already giving me a reassuring smile. 

"What about you Evil?" I nodded towards her.

With a smile of confirmation and complete assurance.

"I can grant all your heart desires"

My brows raised at her words. Then Good's words struck me. 

" ... but at a price ", I said as if completing her statement.

" But of course.", she said in a tone I couldn't quite place my finger on.

 "Such a request must come at a price. But it's nothing you won't be able to do. Trust me."

Mother always warned me about being evil and evil generally. "Never trust who you've never trusted before", was what she used to tell me. She never told me more than that. Perhaps because I was still very little.

"And why should I trust you?", trying to sound intimidating. Which of course didn't seem to work at all. Her answer was so bold and assuring that it convinced me.

"Because I'm your only hope"

After a short moment of judgement in my mind, I raised my left hand and dropped my right. Slowly, Good vanished into thin air and so did the words.

"What's your wish Desdemona?", Evil asked with a serious face and tone. Her look said; 

' let's get down to business '

'' I want mother and father alive again ''

" There's a price "

I swallowed hard at that statement.

"What is it?"