13 Your forgotten past

She touched my forehead with her left hand and muttered a few words as I felt power flow through me. In a twinkle of an eye, I was gone.

In a hall of darkness stood ten beings in a circle, all dressed in red and black hooded gowns as I appeared in their center. I was confused. I excepted to find myself behind a building or a room to to begin searching for Desmond. But my expectations seemed to be short lived.

 I wasn't scared. Neither was I afraid. Rather I was worried because this wasn't the destination Evil informed me about. Before I knew what was going on, the ten beings bowed before me.

    "Who are you all?" I asked with authority.

     "And where am I?" I asked again, searching for the light in the darkness.

   One of the beings approached me and fell at my feet. I moved away a little, confused on what was wrong with this one.

     "Your Majesty." She called with so much respect. 

At this point I was drowning in confusion.

     "We are here to honour your arrival." She completed.

   "My arrival?" I asked in bewilderment.

     "Sorry, I think you're referring to the wrong person. I'm not


One of the beings approached me and fell at my feet. I moved away a little, confused on what was wrong with this one.

     "Your Majesty ..." She called with so much respect.

    "... We are here to honor your arrival." She completed. 

     "My arrival?" I asked din bewilderment.

      "Sorry. I think your referring to the wrong person. I'm not Royalty!'' I exclaimed.

 Without saying a word, she stretched out a small chess to me. Iwondered where it came from.

     "What is this?" I asked pulling my hands even closer to my body. 

     "A possession that your father left you."


Slowly, I made an attempt to open the chess but the being beat me to it. As the chess opened, a red glimmering light blasted out of it, forcing me to block it's rays.

     Taking my hands away from my eyes, I beheld a priceless red jewelry that I could not resist. I stretched out to get a hold of it and admired it for seconds before sliding it through my fingers. Indeed the ring was a sight to behold. 

      In a flash, ropes of red light emitted from my ring, circling around me slyly but rapidly. My eyes followed each of them as they ran out while my body texted in facination. But then, I realized they were forming an oval glob around me to trap me. I made an attempt to run, but I wasn't fast enough. The globe was already completed. 

      I banged at it's walls screaming for help, but all my efforts was to no avail. I felt fire. It began burning from my feet until it began consuming my whole body. Never in my life could I have imagined for to be this hot. Perhaps because this was spiritual fire.

        I screamed and yelled until I reached the highest peak of my voice. I struggled and banged against the walls I knew wouldn't give way. 

Then,I felt a transformation in my spirit and soul. I began to love the fire. I felt anger, hatred and every other sin in this world become a part of me. 

I felt bad. I felt dangerous.

Slowly, I rose to my feet. The fire was still flaming hot. I noticed I was taller. My hair was longer and I was wearing a black gown that had a split form my right foot to my knee with expensive heels. I touched my face and sensed light make-up with an ebony gloss on my lips. I touched my ears and discovered skull earrings on them.Finally, I touched my head and found a "sickly" made tiara with priceless red stones.

      The fire died down and the walls of the globe became a mirror. I was shocked. I was confused. And I was taken away by the beauty that stood before me.

It was myself.

I looked older and mature, yet incredibly young.

        Creepily, a demon hovered behind me in my reflection. He licked his lips in a manner I found seductive. H was able to get a glimpse of his long, white and dangerous fangs in his evil smile. 

        "Princess..." He whispered as if the title were so delicate. That was when I realized who I was. Who I truly was in the realm of the spiritual.

     I am Dedemona. Princess of the Kingdom Dravil. Daughter of Death, who the brother to the Devil. Half human and demon.

    My past began to flash through my mind with so much speed. But I caught it all.

      "... You're looking more dangerous than ever." He complemented. 

I knew this voice and I knew the owner. It never sounded any less than danger and temptation. As his charming face appeared from behind me, I realized how much I missed the sight of his beauty. 

He was none other than Lucifer himself. But I liked to call him, Phelizar. Which meant 'The charming evil one' in my Kingdom.

      "Miss me?" I asked, surprised at my own voice. 

      "A little." 

He answered before escaping into the darkness.

The globe died down and I was able to survey my faithful servants. I chose them because I just loved their names. The greater your name, the greater your power.


       Their names were Emily(Rival), Keres (Night monster;Ghost), Lola(Lady of sorrows), Loralei (She who sings lures men to destruction), Mara (bitter or sorrows), Nerezza (Darkness), Persephone (To destroy and murder), Linda (Snake), Abigor (Head over 60 legions of demons) and Thana (Death).

      "Your Majesty." They greeted, as they fell on their knees.

       "You may rise." I instructed.

        Then I asked. "How is father?"

"Ruling with greatness Your Majesty." Persephone answered. She was my favorite of them all, followed by Nerreza.

        "Very well. Let's get down to business." I said before I transformed my gorgeous outfit into a hooded gown that matched my servants. Except there was a huge difference to differentiate a Royal from a servant.

       "But first..." I said, remembering something.

      "...I have an undone task to perform."

They all bowed in comprehension as I vanished from their midst.