60 Zack

Desmond took a glimpse at what was going on behind him, maintaining that Pearl was still safe by his grip.

Princess was quite shocked and stunned at how smart Desdemona was on this matter. She pondered on the thought that if the wolves were ugldrs, this meant that they've been following them right from the beginning. Shouting under the thundering sound was completely useless. Telepathy was the best gift at this moment.

Aliya was very worried about Zebu because the Ugldrs were closing in on him. She wanted to stop or slow down to help him but not at their pace. They were all in a dangerous speed to forcefully stop. Even the horses were trying their best not to slip off the track.

Then, she remembered. Her lip gloss. It casts a spell on who so ever she wishes to be spellbound.

At this point, Princess was gathering on the power she could muster to beginning blending some ugldrs when Aliya spoke to her through her mind.