61 Three...

Finally, Zebu realized that he was right next to Aliya. He didn't realize this ontime because he was fighting the rain with his eyes when Zack hit his frightening speed. It was a little bit close to the speed of Black, bit no where near Diego.

There was no time to ask for reason for her unbelievable action.

"What's the plan?"

"We're going to lead them to the woods?"

Zebu gulped. That meant getting off the track.

"And then what?"

The lightening thundered and the they were a few feet away from the Ugldrs.

"You'll get the signal."

Zebu had to trust Aliya on this one. He knew her well from the times he'd met her. She wouldn't make any rash decision without thinking it through, especially the one that would have their lives taken away. He braved up, putting his full trust in a plan he knows nothing about or whether it would work or not.

"Tell me when your ready."