62 Cliff

Aliya jolted back to see if Zebu was right behind her, safe and sound, and to her greatest happiness, he was. But then the noisy Ugldrs, who seemed to overpower the sound of the angry thunder, were right behind him.

She looked ahead to find the cliff so that they could make the turn in time. It was hard finding it because of the trees and bushes. Plus, the rain made it worse. Aliya felt a little bit of peace although she hadn't yet spotted the cliff yet. It was better one knew that there was a cliff than riding aimlessly with lack of knowledge of its existence unless death would be inevitable.

She was still searching for it through the upset rain while Zebu drifted into thoughts again.

This time he remembered to maintain his full consciousness because now the Ugldrs were closer than before than. during their last fight. Plus, because of the fear of him falling off from Zack of he makes any sudden turns again.