78 The Bridge Of Separate Worlds 11

Pearl's eyes widened that's she missed and she was moments way from being devoured. She wanted to run...run into her father's arms, but turning away was a very bad idea. She wanted to cry again when she suddenly braved up. She looked at her prey and put on the same frown as her father did to her, to the Rottweiler. It was running at her madly. She positioned the gun again and followed her father's instruction. She said the words outloud to herself as a means of encouragement. She knew deep down her dad wasn't going to help he with this. He's put her life in her hands. It's either she chooses to live - or die when she could save herself.


She studied the Rottweiler's quick movements, how it galloped and its head never bounced over a certain degree at every step towards her.


She positioned the gun to that point where its head kept bouncing. She maintained that position until she was sure that the bullet wouldn't move in another angle missing the target.