79 The Bridge Of Separate Worlds 12

A sad smile crept on her face when she heard a tear drop fall on a dead leaf. She turned to look at where it descended from. Her smile immediately disappeared as she saw Black's eyes teary. She sniffed a little still staring at Pearl. Men,.this was the strangest thing Pearl had seen so far. She wondered why the horse was crying.

Black had been trying to communicate with Pearl telepathically and it didn't work. She was going to send Pearl the message that's he's knows she's not Princess although she was curious to know why they looked identical when she began to see through Pearl's mind. All the images were clear and Black knew it was Pearl's.

Black finally understood why she shrieked before so she leaned in closer so that her head was on her lap. Pearl's heart was racing. She never was this close to an animal to talk off being in contact with it. Somehow, for some reason, she felt happy and safe with Black.