34 Let's Tango

"Please . . . Please . . . Do not do this!" He begged with the last breath that he had left to hold on.

His attacker stepped closer and closer, drawing Zebu's levitated body closer until they were facing each other.

"When you crossed the bridge . . . Did you remember you would plea?"

It was Kill. It smiled a smile of sweet sweet revenge. 

"What can I do with you?" 

Zebu shivered at his words while its tilted his head that spoke of bloody ideas.

"Please . . . You . . . do not understa . . ." 

He tried to speak, when Kill tighted his throat through his telekinesis that Zebu was beginning to lose his breath, and soon his consciousness.

Kill just raised a brow at Zebu, who seemed to not realize that at this moment his life was in his hands and yet instead of pleading, he was trying to give a speech of explanation.

"You are so pathetic." 

It said, ending their conversation and at the same time ending Zebu.