35 Sofia!

Meanwhile, in Demona's room. Sofia was not in the room, but the window was open. Yet, something felt off. Something was not right. Not at all. 

Everything felt unreal like an illusion. He could sense that he was not seeing everything that was happening in his room, yet it was there right before his own eyes.

He closed his eyes and murmured a spell to break whatever illusion it was that must have been cast in his own bedroom. The thought of it made him a bit upset.

Once he finished the spell,. instantly, he saw a body fly in his direction, making both him and the body crash at the door. 

He pushed the body over and got a look at how his room actually looked like. Then, he looked upon Sofia who's powers and been totally activated. And his name, on her left arm had faded away. Her eyes were glowing whitish pink, and her hair was flying almost all over her face in the direction of a wind he wondered where it came from.