51 Scream

Hannah looked in the most afraid state she could ever be in. She wanted to scream, but the shock was not letting her voice come out. Instead, she fainted when they got the garage.

Hannah's mom got the keys while her father, pressed the button that opens the garage door. When he noticed he daughter felt a bit lifeless. 

"Hannah!" Her father called putting her down and the back seat of the car, when he realized she was not moving a muscle.

Hannah's mom had gotten into the driver's seat when she saw what was happening, and began to panick too.

"Hannah!" They kept calling, wondering what had happened to their daughter.


Sofia, Tama and Desdemona were still looking in the direction of the explosion.

It did not take long for the dust to fall quickly to the earth.

All of them were startled to see who it was.

It was Demona, with Zebu and Aliya.