52 Not the place

Aliya closed eyes shot open, and she struggled to take control of the weather from Kill.

That was when Kill noticed an interferance.

But, Aliya had already planned on getting the upper hand Incase Kill spotted her out.

Before Kill could send a bolt that would destroy Aliya, Aliya performed his own plan.

She growled slowly as she screamed, making the lighting bolts turn gold, and she sent it at Kill, hard.

But, something wrong happened. Kill did not react instead he took advantage of the attack. Somehow, he connect with Aliya's lightening bold and took control of her mind.

Then, while still focusing strongly, it used her to see all that was going on with those it wanted dead.

First, was the little girl.

"Knuckles!" Hannah yelled, getting her mother and father's attention. And of course, it was not only their attention she drew.

It seems like she was going to take a share in the part two of her second fear.