64 Phelizar

The thundering sky began to rumble. Kill and the others backed away from Phelizar who calmly stepped out of the dark portal, that was directly opposite the portal of light in the long distance.

All the dark creatures, high and low, decended to the ground on their knees, bowing the King of the dark world; Phelizar.

"Well now! You all did not think I would leave in the fun, did you?"

Kill knelt in front of the rest, and Phelizar approached Kill, tilting his head calmly to look at the little dragon.

Then, his gaze went in to the distance.

"It seems you have been busy, breaking the rules."

Kill and the others dared not growl or utter a word.

"Leave Phelizar . . . And take the rest with you."

The golden dragon ordered.

"Golden!" Phelizar called joyfully, but he was so pale and so alive, like the walking dead.

Death could be felt around Phelizar. It was a feeling of everything bad, terrible and ugly combined to one.