65 Solutions

Earlier. . .

"Tama . . ." Demona managed to call, and that was when Tama's attention drew back to what had been happening to Demona.

"Oh my . . ." Tama quickly rushed to Demona to help him up.

"It is worse than I imagined."

Tama exclaimed softly.

Sofia was wondering what Tama was talking about, while Desmond had long been gone from paying attention to their conversation, and watching out for any attack from the beasts that broke out from the portal.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused and worried at the same time.

"We have a bigger problem."

Desmond spoke, cutting them short.

He was right. They looked yonder and really saw the damage that was happening. Desmond could only wonder if these demons had reached the humans though there was none running because they had evacuated.

His eyes went to the portal and back at Kill fighting with the three beasts that came out of it.

"The only way now is to close the portal."