88 One more step closer


Talking like a child, she tells us;

 "Ooh ohh, check this out too", pushing a rock that shockingly slid into the wall.

For a moment there was a small earthquake in the cave. Ruby said in fear with a shaking voice due to the shaking environment,

 "What's ... going ... on ... Rose?". 

We grabbed the safest part of the walls until the shaking stopped.

Rose, with glimmering eyes starring at the dead end before us, replied not looking back; "DISCOVERY".

For a moment I thought she was going insane when three holes opened in the ground and three table-shaped-like rocks accelerated from the ground each having a gem.

"Whoah", exclaimed Ruby with widened eyes. She makes an attempt to move closer to get a closer look.

"Don't", Rose beckoned.

"You can't expect to see such priceless objects without traps lurking around."