89 One vs the One

You were not responding to my call when I called you. You were so lost to kill someone that you could not even here me. I get so alone at that point."

He giggled a bit in, a confused emotion. He had thought worse. 

"No, no. Pure. I never meant to. I thought you were gone. His voice sounded heartbroken, and when I heard your voice I thought that I was hallucinating. "

He cuddled her, when two trudging sounds bashed into the cave in a hurry. 


It was Roger.

The second, Brave who had met Roger on the way stopped entering, saying nothing.

Evander kissed Pure's had before turning, swishing his tail, as he faced them.

Roger bowed in regret.

"I am sorry, sir."

"I left you in charge, and you let her become in this state!"


"It was not his fault, Evader!"

Purw said from behind.

Evander was confused.

He looked at Pure , lost before Brave added: