
To burn the forest to destroy the bad seeds

As me and my men travel one of their leaders approached me.

"Red we are lacking supplies, there is a village nearby that we can scour"

"What do you need?"

"Weapons, food-"

"I can create as many swords as you need and as for food go tell your men to kill some deers, that should be fine until we reach the capital."

"How about women then? Or booze? I remember you being the one who said that of we follow you we get everything"

I take him by the sleeve and look at him. I have been carrying this guilt and fury all night and I am not afraid to release it unto him and he saw that.

"Look at me, I will go by my word but in my command! Try to control me again and I will kill you!"

He backed off for now but sooner or later he and the others will go against me that's why I need to figure out a plan and soon.

At first I was just carried by emotion and I called upon the corrupted in this group and decided to have them attack the palace while I sneak through and kill the king.

Naturally it wouldn't work and my men would sooner kill me if they think they're being tricked. I need to give them what they want for now, I can't be letting morality get the best of me after destroying so many lives.

"Men! Tonight we fight!"

The bandits raise morale as we approach a nearby village barely keeping their walls after an attack from Euphilian soldiers. It seems they have fended them but lost their defences. Its perfect for a sneak attack to gather supplies.

We get through the village easily and their guards were tired and weak which made easy pickings for the bandits. I just turned a blind eye to those who walked off who I know would enter the houses looking for... No! I need to focus! This is to prevent the war these people are the sacrifice for it.

I am going crazy from hearing the screams as I just wait outside. This isn't what I wanted, I never wanted to be a monster. I didn't,

"Boss we've got the booze and the gold"

"Good then we leave"

"But boss we've also got some women here, I thought we might have a little fun!"

"I said we leave!"

The man smirked and punched me with his brute strength as a few others watch.

I furiously took out a sword and behead him and while some bandits were surprised many were too busy with their own businesses to give a damn if just another one of them died.

"We are fighting a war! I have no need for selfish idiots who think murdering civilians and stealing from the poor is anyway to win it!"

There were bandits who rebelled against me but there were also those who just ignored and continued on as screams were heard from the houses they ransacked.

I was furious and I attacked them one by one which went on fine until they decided to attack as a group and overwhelm me.

And then from a distance a great fire ball was released and the bandits were cremated, giving off a deja vu vibe that was similar to what happened before.

Then from above my tired and wounded body emerged my master as he smirked down at me like old times.

" When a young girl told me you needed help I never expected it to be from your own army kid"

Angus grabbed me as he laughed off the massacre that we just witnessed.

"Help me destroy them?"

Although their numbers have lessened there were still a lot of them and I was barely in a state to walk.

"Haha no problem!"

Together we took down the bandits one by one as they split up house to house and by together I meant mostly Angus and I just did a bit of clean up of those who escaped using the flying sword I've learned to master. Ofcourse there were those who survived both because of the chaos and my inability to aim well.

The survivors later on would spread malice towards my name as a tyrant who kills villagers and abuse children, further destroying my name.

I no longer cared if two countries despise me. I hate me too if it was consolation. I told Angus everything and honestly I was hopeless. I am pathetic, unchatismatic, and now apparently a tyrant. There was no longer any hope for me.

Angus just kept his apathetic attitude and looked at me as I told my story. How I was framed, humiliated, and became lost while the girl I lost everything for was secretly colluding with her father to manipulate me.

For the first time Angus hugged me like a father would a son. He stayed silent while I told the story of my weakness that had led to a war now I don't even know what to do.

The time walked together to who knows where was the only thing now that kept me going. I thought of killing myself, bringing an army of bandits to attack the palace and just leaving everything to Barron but I couldn't do any of it. I couldn't just give up my life that I spent so long and sacrificed so much to protect but neither can I just go hide while the consequences of my mistakes destroy everyone I love, I am lost.

"You've went through alot kid"

"Ha! After all that happened I'm still the lost kid you've saved that night in Triton. You should have never taken me in"

He patted my head and looked forward.

"I regret nothing. Hey do you remember what you told me when we met?"


"You said you wanted to be significant"

"I did"

"Now what do you want to be?"

"A hero"

I honestly do. I want to redeem myself that I am not just some puppet nor am I a side character. I have went through so much and I don't want it to end with me being the failure that Barron failed to kill.

"Let's go make you a hero then!"

Angus said as he happily punched my arm. Just like old times, whenever I was lost there had always been someone to guide me but this time I know better than just continue walking to avoid it.