You're my everything.

It's been 17 years since Lucia's parents went to Italy for work. She's now studying Senior High School somewhere in the Philippines. One more year and finally, she'll graduate. Her mother always reminds her that she only has 3 years to stay in the Philippines.

That reminder made her heart feel pain, she can't leave. She wants to be with Leo forever. She only asks for a sign…god's sign for her to accept her parents' choice. Furthermore, she misses her parents and she knew her sister feels the same to her. Both of them will be back in Italy if ever they accept the suggestions of their parents. Lucia doubt accepting it knowing that she'll be leaving the Philippines and the man she loves. Lucia was walking on the shore to find Leo.

She knew that Leo would know about her mothers' suggestion. She panicked when she can't Leon the shore even in their house. Their maid said that they don't know where is Leo going to, so she went to the secret place that they used to bond with.

"Leo!.. Leo!" she runs still shouting. The boy still ignores her. Leo found out that she'll be leaving the Philippines after their graduation. "Leo! Wait!…can't you stop!? Listen, Leo!… Leo!" Leo ignores her and still walking till he reaches the gate of their mansion. Leo turns around and faces her while the gate was closing slowly.

"Give me an assurance that you won't leave this Island!" He shouted. That moment Leo's face is becoming red. She's too speechless because of Leo's heartbreaking voice.

"See? There's no assurance Lucia, how can I be so certain that you won't let your heart fall for someone else??" he questioned her, he began to turn his back and continue walking. Speechless and out of voice to speak, that's what she felt on that night.

She can't believe Leo cried while saying those lines. She was left alone at the beach, she sat down at white and softy sands to feel the warmth of the gaze. She cried all night because of what just happened lately. Furthermore, she can't believe she hurt Leo with those words she voices out. It wasn't her intention, but why did she felt guilt in her heart? Was it wrong to say those true words, what is he wanted? Lie to him? (she kept telling her mind). She's still crying until someone knocks on her door. She slowly opened the door and saw her sister's curious eyes. Suddenly hugged her, she tried to stiffen herself while Lourie is keeping her calm. Still, she's subbing and the more she wants to stop herself from crying, she kept feeling the pain in her chest. Her sister assists her in the bed and lets her cry while combing her hair to make her fall asleep, luckily, it works. Slowly her sister stood up and turned off the lights so she can sleep at peace.

That night was exhausted.

One morning, Lucia is walking in the soft sands while remembering those memories. She thinks it's the sign she keeps asking for, but one side of her keeps saying it isn't the right sign god gave. When she looked at her back, she saw Leo walking towards her. She run as fast as she can, and then she hides in the big mango tree. Still not satisfied by hiding, so she climbs into the tree and reaches the highest branch. She covered her mouth to stop laughing, she's still upset. What if Leo will dump her away and leave her nothing, she's afraid it will happen.

"Lucy!… Lucia!!" Leo shouted while Lucy was still climbing in the Mango tree. She can't stop smiling, because Leo looks like an idiot finding her. Leo where kept walking down in the tree and one wrong move and she'll be fell in the tree. Lucia keeps holding those branches to find support and not to fell.

"Lucia! Where are you!? Lucia!?" Leo shouted again. She's still holding those branches to avoid her body fell on the ground but…

"Ahh!…" Lucy shouted with full of fear, but she's okay now.


"Do you really think you can hide from me? you cant never hide Lucy." Leo uttered.

"Silly girl." He helped, but instead of helping her to stood up he carried it like one sock of rice.

"Put me down!" she uttered in anger, but Leo refuses what she said.

"Leo!… Leo, I said put me down!" she shouted again and tried to move, but Leo held her stronger, so she can't get down. Leo laughs and kisses her forehead that makes her shocked, and he slowly put down her. They were both tired, so they choose to sit down on the ground. It was all covered by the trees branches, and grasses.

"Lucy?" Leo called with a small voice.

"What!?," she answered in irratation.

"Please don't leave me, I know that you'll be leaving someday." He said with fear and desperation.

"I won't leave you and that's a promise, Leo." she answered full of love, Leo smiled and then kissed her forehead, a sign of his true love for Lucia.

"You're my everything, Lucia Hermosa Diaz," he said between their kiss that full of love.

"I thought you're gonna dumped me because of what happen last night," she said while looking into his eyes.

"I won't do that Lucia, I will never leave you just because of that." he said with assurance in his voice. She felt relieved now because of Leo's assurance to her, she wants to be happy, and that all she wants. Together, they will face everything, that hindrance they will fight for it. Now that they have full trust in each other, no one will cause their breakup. They went home together and Lourie saw them, Lourie can't stop smiling because of what she saw.

"Wow! That's good that the two of you are now on good terms!" Lourie shouted to them while laughing, they laugh also because of her sister's words.

"Thank you, sis." She voices out in silence. Lourie from her hands into a heart shape and then welcome her sister into their house.

"Bye Leo…take care," Lucia said while waving her hands to Leo who now walking away in their house.

"Bye! See you tomorrow" Leo replied to her, and he waves as well. "Goodnight Lucia! Goodnight also Lourie." he continued till he reaches his car and drove away.

"You have the right man! Good for you." her sister complimented.

"You're going to find yours, just wait," she replied while they both went inside their house.