It was a long time before Lucia, Lea and Martin decided to leave the restaurant after breakfast.

They went to their suite to get dressed and take a bath. Later, a picture taking will be held.

Everyone has to be dressed nicely so that it is easy to get a picture of them.

As they walk on the beach and talk about what happened last night.

The three of them stared at the two people being photographed at a distance from their place.

Many people looked at Leo and Lucille who were now staring at each other while being pictured.

Lucille is wearing two pieces while Leo is wearing Hawaiian shorts and no top.

Everyone can see its biceps of Leo that are healthy and well took good care of him. All the women were stunned as they looked at the two of them.

There are many who are jealous and many also want to take a picture with Leo but they can't appeal.