Sunrise is the most beautiful scenery in the world, and people want to witness it each time she shows her shine. Everyone is amazed by that scenery every morning, especially when they're living near the sea.

People who always saw it usually have their minds on imagining how mesmerizing it was. It's like a drug that no one could ever understand what was it.

People who only saw it is the only one who can define the true beauty of sunrise and sunset. However, some people who wanted to witness that kind of sunrise, all climb the tall part of the mountain just to see it.

Just so they can saw it and could feel how relaxing it was and calming. The feeling of watching it on your own is like you're giving yourself time to calm down and never think of anything except for memorizing its beauty.

I'm not the kind of person who'll think of something bad to others but whenever I look at myself I felt so empty and useless to everyone.