The beautiful humm of the birds outside of the suite where I was sleeping together with my friends. 

In my dreams there was a lot of things ai encountered and successful faced it. Although everything is difficult, the things I've been facing as a problem. 

Become one of my inspiration in life, whoever told me that was going to be the woman nobody expect to be. 

I will always thank you for giving such a words of wisdom like what you've told me before. My grandmother will always be yhe strength that I've been keeping from the very beginning. 

My life won't end in here, because it'll end in a good and better beginning. Where the problems I faced before, is now a pictures and imaginations. 

I was awaken by the sounds that played inside the room. All I remember last night is Leo brought me here and kissed my forehead.

We never had a chance to talk for the last time before he left. The only thing he'd done is leave a soft kiss in my forehead.