Jeison and Kataki are walking into the school and then they noticed each other and start talking.
Ka: Hey Jeison, wait for OMG, wait until you hear this!
J: Oh (oh god no face, then a smile) Hey Kataki, and if it is about you jelly molding all the teacher's chalk. (smiles) I really don't want to hear it. (rolls eyes).
Ka: Oh cool you heard about, wait for a minute, how did you know it was me?
J: Um Kataki?
Ka: Um ya?
J: Because I was the one who did it with you (stupid).
Ka: Oh right, I um forgot about that my bad. (laughs).
J: I'm sure you did (oh my god how stupid can she get).
A: Oh hey guys what's up (trips on her own two feet) Ah.
As April gets up she grabs all of her stuff and continues to speak with them.
J & Ka: Oh nothing you?
A: Ah you guys are getting too good at that (says it kinda worried).
J & Ka: At what?
A: That! (omg they're doing it again)!
J & Ka: Oh.
A: Ya?!
As they continue to walk Kolu sees them and walks up to them slowly and jumps on them greeting them.
Ko: Oh heys guys, did you hear about the new student? (says very slyly).
All of them jump in shock and yell a little.
J & Ka: Oh hey Kolu (jumping onto them).
A: The exchanged one?
J: Hey yo, April, I did at least, you guys?
Ko: Ya she's the exchange student from Japan.
A: We are in Japan, Kolu. (oh my god, slaps her forehead)!
Ka: Oh so you heard also, I can't wait to meet her (very excited voice).
A & Ko & J both yell: And NO GOSSIP!!!!
K: What as I would do that (says very shocked).
Then everyone stops in their tracks and looks at each other with we all know somethings bad about to transpire.
A: Um ya, sure Kataki, were gonna be late for class, let us go now.
J & Ka: Ya sure
April turns her head real quickly towards them and gives them an irritated look. As the rest of them are walking towards class, they make it just in time as the teacher does the attendance and starts the class. And everyone sits down.
Teacher: Ok, ok everybody come on and sit down, the class has started.
Ka: I wonder if she's here yet? (can't sit in her seat very well too excited).
A: How do you know if this new student is a girl or not? (ugh this woman).
J: Don't worry she'll be here. (starting to get impatient)
Ko: I hope she is cute and does dares. (going off into dreamland and then gets interrupted)
A: Ya, I don't think anyone wants to jump off a cliff with you.
Ko: Aww come on, no one will get hurt. (says it very proudly).
J: You said that the last time you convinced me! (Aww come on, no one will get hurt, sarcastically, omg somebody knock him out or I'll do it)!
A: And the hospital said otherwise.
Ko: Aww come on, it was a small bridge? (saying it very questionable).
J: Ya and it was a small rock too huh?
Ko: But, but, it was, ugh alright fine! (starts to pout)
Teacher: Kolu.
Ko: Ya teach.
Teacher: Would you please shut your trap (saying it very snappy).
Ko: Y-yes Ma'am
Teacher: Ok, as you guys know there is a new student here let us welcome her. Nicely, please.
As she looks at the whole class with a glare of don't you guys try anything.
R: Hi everyone, my name is Rubix. (says it in a very cute voice).
In the background, Kataki says ha I told you so that she was a girl!
J: What like the Rubix box thingy?
A: No you idiot, Its Rubix cube a 3x3 ….
J & Ka & Ko & the Teacher all yell: We get it April!
A: Oh right sorry.
Teacher: I am so sorry, that Rubix is Jeison our class clown and April our smartest student, who always has to correct him. (and looks directly at April).
R: Oh that is totally fine, but by the way, where is my seat miss…
Teacher: Miss Eve, and you can sit behind Kataki that's behind Jeison that's behind April that's behind Kolu that is all by the window. (says it very sarcastically).
R: Huh
Ko: Whispers to April, she obviously does not watch enough anime huh?
A: Whispers back, I guess not
Teacher: Oh don't worry about it you will sit behind Kataki
Ko: Wow she really just put us all on blast. (shakes his head).
J & A & Ka & Ko; Ya she sure did.
R: What the hell just conspired? ( a very concerned voice).
A: Um don't worry about it, it's just a main character theme thing.
R: Oh ok then. As she sits down right behind Kataki by the window.
After a few classes in school, it is now time for their lunch session. As everyone is piling into the cafeteria the friend's group notices each other and they all sit down with each other at the same table by the window.
Ka: Omg, did you hear the teachers this morning, they were so mad!
A: Ya it was so funny!
Ko: They still don't know who did it yet.
J: Ya but they have their options to pick from though.(frowny face)
Ka: Ya but you are the class clown don't forget.
J: Ya ya, but they were…
R: Heys guys, what was the matter with the chalk this morning?
Ka: Oh Jeison and I jelly molded all the teacher's chalk last night.
R: Oh I see (trying to hold in her laugh).
J: Kataki! Don' yell it so damn loud, next time I won't do it with you.
A: I'm surprised that she even agreed to do it with you in the first place?
J: Well about that ….
Ko: Jeison don't tell me, Jeison?
A: Jeison
Ka: Jeison
Then everyone looks at Kataki with surprise on whatever the hell is going on with this weird-ass chick.
R: Ha ha ha (laughs like she just stubbed her toe)
Then everyone looks at Rubix like someone tried to kill her.
A: Um Rubix what's going on?
R: Hey Jeison, care to explain? (while trying I mean trying hard not to laugh)
Ka: Ya, care to explain!
J: Oh shut the hell up Kataki, you know what's exactly happening right now! (shaking his head once again and saying it in an irritated voice).
Ka: I do? Oh, wait I do, right.
Everyone looks at her with disappointment and slaps their foreheads on wondering why do they even know this person. Oh, wait, it's because she knows almost everything about gossip and what's going on all the time, could do that for her homework. Damn.
R: Just get on with it Jeison.
J: Ok ok ok this is what's happening….
Rubix can not hold it in anymore and lets out a huge laugh while Jeison is trying to talk.
R: Omg I can't anymore just say it already!
J: If you shut the hell up sis I can.
A: Wait a minute, did you just say sis?
Ko: Wait a minute, I heard it too wth is that supposed to mean?
Ka: It means what he said, that Rubix is his sister, they're twins guys.
A: This is why you were stressing Jeison, man how could we not figure this out?
J: That's not all April, hey Kataki what to tell the rest?
Ka: I would love too, Rubix was the one who was with us when we jelly molded all the teacher's chalk also we didn't just do that we did something else too.
Ko: Wait you guys planned this all out without me dang what are friends for.
A: Aww come on Kolu don't be like that, but what else did you guys do?
J: Well for one, you'll find out when you guys go to the gym.
Then Kolu's face turns really sickly like he's gonna throw up after he hears that the other thing they did was in the gym.
R: Also we guys need your help. I know that you are Jeison's best friends so I decided to do something to end the year out in a bang what do you guys say, April and Kolu?
A: Well it depends on what it is.
J: Well it takes someone that is really smart and reads a lot and knows a lot too.
A: Ok ok, you've got my attention, I'm in.
Ko: But you don't even know what it is, April?
A: If it involves me doing it with my smarts or books I'm in no matter what. And you always wanted to do anything that revolves around pranks or anything dangerous, what's going on?
Ko: Look it's nothing but I did something really bad and I think you will find out in the gym also.
J: Wait what do you mean something bad?
Ka: Now that I remember someone was with us when we were in the gym that night.
R: Wait, you now tell us that we could've gotten caught by Kataki!
J: But now the question is Kolu, where were you last Sunday?
Ko: I was I….
A: Ok you don't look so good after all, Kolu, what's wrong?
Ring ring ring ring ring
J: Ok that was 5 rings, which means, it is 6th period, time for gym class.
Everyone comes out of the cafeteria in a hurry for their next class and Kolu still doesn't feel very good. As Kolu approaches his locker room he changes very quietly without a single word coming out. Jeison notices that something is very wrong with him and tries to go up to him when out of the blue one of the students starts screaming. Jeison and Kolu run out to see something horrific. Something that can never unsee. And Jeison looks at Kolu with a concerned look.
J: Hey Kolu what is really going on, this is not right.
Rubix, Kataki, and April all come running towards Jeison and Kolu.
A: Hey what is going on, what is this?
R & Ka: This is not what we planned!
*Author Note*
Ok ok let's not get into that they were speaking at the same time as Kataki and Jeison, sorry I had too. Lol sorry. Ok back to the story also the unseeable will be told sorry to keep you in suspense. Jk.
Back to the story!!
J: I know, I know it wasn't!
Ka: We planned to mix up all the equipment with garden tools and scare all the teachers with masks in their classrooms with their fear of clowns.
Ko: Wait, that was what you guys planned, well greatest fears come in all shapes and sizes. (as he said it in shock then turns his voice into a shaky scared voice)
Ko: Wait it's not what you think it really isn't what you guys think, I promise, please listen to me I didn't do it. But I do know who did tho.
Then Kolu looks down at his feet almost puking, then he faints onto the ground in shock as the people pull the random dead guy's body out.
Teacher: Kolu!
A: Omg Kolu are you ok? (as she yells out in horror)
R: What is going on for real?
J: I really do think Kolu is not lying, I really think he knows what is going on but is really scared.
Ka: Could this be what we were doing that Sunday night, that may be what messed things up so much.
J: I don't think it is Kolu's fault that he is in this mess.
A: I wish I could find out what is going on?
R: What happened that night that we were not…
J: Paying attention too.
Ka: We should have known something was wrong with Kolu on Friday before school was out on the weekend.
A: He was acting very weird.
R: I don't know Kolu very well but I hope he gets better.
J: And that we figure out on whatever the hell is going on. Because I do not like Kolu this way.
Ka: He's always so excited and happy.