Chapter 2 What happened on Friday


Let us go back and see from Kolu's perspective on Friday


14:28 pm at school in their last 7th-period class in Gym

Ka: Man these exercises are so much work I' de rather talk to Kane about the finals.

A: I'm sure you would when you got me to study with.

Ka: Omg, not in a million years!

A: Why what is wrong with my study skills?

J: Well for one they are too advanced.

Ko: And they are too hard, I mean you pile stuff on us that we didn't even learn yet and make us do more than we were supposed to do.

A: Well do you not get a good grade with me or not, it's worth it isn't it?

Ko: Ya I suppose it does.

A: Well Jeison and Kataki?

Ka: I suppose it wouldn't hurt studying with you again would hurt.

J: I guess it helps when we are in a new lesson. We would know about it and get ahead and it's nice to be ahead. I'm in.

Ka: Me too.

Ko: Sure count me in too but I won't be able to do it tonight though because I am really busy tonight.

A: Oh that's ok we are not gonna do it tonight anyway.

Ka: But maybe Monday, the finals are this Friday. Does it work for you guys? It works for me.

A: Works for me, Jeison?

J: Works for me. Kolu?

Ko: Ya I could try to make it, sure.

A: Ok it's settled, Monday afternoon next week to study for the finals.

Ka & J & Ko: Cool

Ko: Hey I'll be right back I gotta ask the teacher something.

J: Ok then hurry up we gotta finish this game, ok man.

Ko: K, got it man.


As Kolu runs towards the teacher and stops by him to ask a question. As he was talking he was always looking down at his feet and had a face of sorrow and sadness.

Ko: Hey teacher I was wondering if I could leave the class a little early because ….

J: I can't hear what he's saying.

A: It is none of our business anyway.

Ka: Oh come on lighten up a bit will ya.

J: Hey guys, shut up, he's coming back.

Ko: Hey guys sorry about that, I'm gonna have to leave now.

J: Dude why man? It's only 14:38 man, it isn't time to leave yet.

A: You're acting weird.

Ko: Hey don't worry about it, it's about my dad.

J: OK man, if you say so.

A: Ok, see you Monday then.

Ka: Ya have a good weekend Kolu, see ya.

Ko: Cool see you guys.


As Kolu walks away from them, he has a very raw feeling of despair. And as he walks and grabs his stuff, there is a black car out in the front waiting for him. And as he gets in, he drops something. Something very important. But before he goes, Xavier comes out with another bag and gets in with him and leaves.

Ko: Hey so where are we gonna pick up father?

Driver: Soon we will, I have his location, you'll have to wait so he can get Kane.

Ko: Ok fine I'll wait for him. (damn this idiot again what is he planning this time)

X: Hey about this Kane guy, is he, what he says he is?

Ko: Yay he is, he knows Kataki and they chat whenever they can.

X: Ok ok, what about what he says he is capable of?

Driver: Do not worry about it Xavier, he'll be out here shortly we have arrived anyways.

Ko: And you can ask all your questions when he gets in.

X: Ok ok man, I will.


Several minutes pass until Kolu's father comes out with another person, he is tall and very intimidating. He walks up to the black car and immediately the driver rolls down the window and gets out of the car.

Kane: Hey sorry it took so long, your Kolu, right?

Ko: Ya that's me, Kane.

Kane: It's almost been too long Kolu.

X: So how is this gonna work on Sunday?

Ko: Don't even ask Xavier we gotta practice before we do anything, that is so we don't get hurt.

Kane: That's right, one wrong move and your hurt dude.

X: Ok ok man I got it I'll be patient.


Kolu's father gets in the front seat, bows to the driver and says thank you as he gets in and starts the car. And starts driving the car.

Kolu's father: You better be, because I am not helping you get it, I am out on all of this, I'm just gonna drive you back and forth to this and that's it, and how many more trips am I gonna have to do?

Ko: Oh don't worry Father, just today and Saturday is left of the program.

X: Oh thank God, I am getting so tired of this training.

Kane: Well you decided to do this so you gotta keep up with the training.

X: Ya ya ya I know I did and I've learned so much.

Kane: And I'm surprised that we could get out of school early like this, but now we don't have to do that anymore.

Ko: Well all this training is supposed to help us feel better and confident about who we are and what we are capable of.

Kolu's father: Well I do hope you get something out of this, from what I have seen the past couple of weeks is that you have grown faster and stronger. And for once I could not beat you in a sword fight.

Kane: Damn really, well with his practicing he got to the level of the teacher which is insane dude.

Ko: There is nothing wrong with getting to the level as the teacher and it becomes a fair fight over time and the respect also guys.


As the black car rolls up to the studio and stops to let out the three boys. As they all get out Kolu reaches out his hand in the air and yells out something to his dad.

Ko: See you father when I become something you're not!

Kolu's father: I'll be waiting then.

Kane: Come on guys we're gonna be late!

X: Well then hurry the hell up Kane!


As the three boys walk into the building and get checked in they go towards the locker room and get changed for their training. As they all get ready they come out onto a black floor in a class with 4 other students.

Boy 1: Well hey look who it is, it's the chick who decides to try to get buff. (as he says it toward Kolu's face from across the gym.)


As Kolu hears this he walks towards the boy very slowly and then stops right in front of him. Picks up his hand very slowly as his head is looking right at the ground and takes his hand and slaps him right off his feet.

Boy 1: what the hell man (as he tries to kick him getting on his one hand).

Ko: oh no no no I do not think so name.


As Kolu grabs both his legs and jerks him off his hands. The boy hits his head on the black floor as Kolu swings his body towards his face, meeting with his face. With both of the boy's legs around him in a holding position.

Ko: I do not think you understand Boy 1 you have no idea.


As Kolu suddenly starts to lose grip he grabs the boy's arm and jerks him into a spin landing him on his face with his back facing him.

Ko: Unless you can get out of this you have no right being here.

Boy 1: You have no idea what it takes to get out of this position, a broken arm, and a lot of luck you jackass!

Kane: Well then maybe you should learn more than using your month for other things then hm.

X: Ok ok Kolu that's enough, I think he got the memo.

Ko: Oh ok then. (as he lets go he hits him in the back of his neck as a warning)

Instructor: Ok everyone please get into position and in your line please.

Everyone: Yes sir!


As everyone gets into their spot in the line Kolu notices that he does not have his mother's necklace around his neck and gets very pissed and just stands where he is until spoken to.


It is now 15:30 p.m. and Kolu, Xavier, and Kane are all practicing fighting with each other with swords. Until one of the girls in the class thought it was a good idea to *talk to them.

*Talk*, in that type of speech, means to spar with a different opponent in the gym.

Kane: Hey Kolu I think that girl wants to spar with you.

Ko: Ok then let her. (as he nods his head, he walks towards the girl)

Girl 1: So then, let the fairest win.

X: Ok, you sound like snow whites mother, but that is none of my business though.

Kane: Do you not even know when to shut up and when to talk Xavier?

X: No not really, why?

Ko: Because I heard that there was an owl in here.

X: who?

Girl 1 & Kane & Kolu: Omg he actually did haha (all at their own pace of words but around the same time)

X: Ok ok, knock it off will ya, that is so mean guys, come on.

Ko: Ok let's get this over with then, back up. (pointing to where to go)

Narrator: 15:34 pm.

As the two get ready Xavier and Kane both back up to give them room to spar. But something goes unexpected and they hear another person walk in the gym. As Jeison walks in he waves his arms in the air, yelling.

J: Hey Kolu you dropped something on the sidewalk that I had found while school had ended. And you know it took me forever to find you man!

Ko: How the hell did you find me and the other thing is what the hell are you doing here?

J: You don't sound happy at all that I had picked up something that means a lot to you man, damn. Well anyways I got to go, so here you go Kolu.

Narrator: 15:36 pm.

Jeison walks up to Kolu and opens up the necklace and puts it around his neck, closing up the snap behind his neck. And then he walks away without another word. And as the door closes behind him he waves a middle finger to him and leaves.

X: What the hell was that for? (rolls his eyes)

Kane: You just don't know anything do you, Xavier?

X: Why would I, I'm not related to any of you guys and we ain't that very close anyways.

Ko: Would you guys just shut up so I can spar without you guys in the background.

Girl 1: Seriously guys.

Narrator: 15:40 pm. - 16:05 pm.

Kolu looks down at his mother's necklace and smiles a little thinking that Jeison is something else, because he would do anything to get this back to him. Because he's been there. As Kolu finishes up the fight with that one girl and he thinks if he'll find out what I can do, will he stop wanting to even know me? He's all I got and Kataki, April, and Kane. I really don't know what would've happened if I hadn't known them. All I know is I wouldn't be the person that I am today. As everyone is done with their training for today the three boys go into the locker room to change.

Boy 1: Hey that was a good lesson wasn't it, man?

Boy 2: Ya I guess it was, I could've done a little better though.

Boy 1: Hey Kolu I was wondering if you could teach me that trick that you used today on me when I was being a dick earlier? (as he is looking down at his feet very nervously).

Ko: Why would you need to learn it though?

Boy 2: Because he's got a guy who follows him and beats the crap out of both of us every time after school. (as he says it with confidence then into a despairing voice).

Kane: Oh I see what you guys mean and you're not alone, really, and it's fine, we can teach ya, just don't….

X: Act like a big dick, next time man. Ok?

Boy 1 & 2: Ya we got it, thanks, man.

Ko: By the way, are you two here tomorrow? Because tomorrow is our last day of training, otherwise, we're done.

Boy 2: Ya we're here tomorrow.

Ko: Ok cool, we can teach you tomorrow then. Sound good?

Boy 1: Ya sounds good to me.

Boy 2: Ya me too.

Kane: Cool then, see you two cuties tomorrow. (says it kind of flirty and flicks his hair).

X: Kane really man, that wasn't necessary.

Kane: Sorry man, couldn't help it, they are cute though.

Ko: So Sorry about that, he calls everyone cutie, but you'll get used to it over time though.

Boy 1: Um ok?

Boy 2: Whispers, "Um I'm a little concerned man".

Boy 1: We shouldn't worry too much, they'll get over it, hopefully.

Narrator: 16:23 pm.

As all the boys are done getting all their dirty sweaty clothes off, the two boys leave as well as Kolu, Xavier, and Kane. And they walk out the door to see Kolu's dad's black car outside waiting for them. Kolu gets in the back as Xavier gets in the front seat with Kolu's father. And Kane gets in the back with Kolu.

Kolu's father: So how did it go, today boys?

X: I think it went well. We did some more practicing on the sword fighting and technique.

Kane: Also since tomorrow is our last day, we get to finish up the course with the guns and snipers.

X: Oh shit, I totally forgot about that man!

Ko: Kolu, don't forget that comes with martial arts combat too.

X: I freaking knew that man. (obviously duh)

Kane: Well hey, the front is where most people die in a crash, so we have nothing to worry about.

X: Aww come on guys, don't be like that.

Kane and Kolu: Both start laughing.

Kolu's father: So, the two of you boys are staying at my house tonight right?

Kane & X: Yes sir.

Kane: If that's alright with you?

Kolu's father: Yes, it is totally fine with me.

X: Ok cool, hey Kolu did you get the camera working this time?

Ko: Ya I did Xavier, so we can record our little performance tonight.

Kane: Cool, we can get that done and post it on our channel tonight then!

Kolu's father: And don't be so loud this time, will ya please, I couldn't get any sleep last time.

Ko: Yes sir.

Narrator: 16:32 pm.

As Kolu's father pulls up to his house, he lets them all get out of his car, opens up the trunk to let them get their stuff, and stops his son for a little chat.

Kolu's father: Hey don't stay up too late Kolu, ok? Also, I'll be back around 23:00 pm. Ok. Also, I got some stuff I need to handle tonight, so you should be in bed by 22:30 pm. No later, got it Kolu?

Ko: Yes father I do. I'll tell the others when our curfew is and when you'll be back.

Kolu's father: Good now, also, Do Not Get into Any Trouble, Got It.

Ko: Yes sir, I will not get into any trouble, father.


Kolu's father grabs his head and places his forehead onto his own and says to him in a weak but sincere voice.

Kolu's father: It is not time yet Kolu, I love you Kolu.

Narrator: 16:36 pm.

And then lets him go, Kolu, Xavier, and Kane all walk into Kolu's gigantic home. All waving back to Kolu's father. As he waves back at them.

Ko: Also to let you guys know, our curfew is 22:30 pm. And my father will be coming back around 23:00 pm.

Kane: Cool, we got time to record. Hey Xavier you got that? Xavier?

Ko: Ugh, he has his dumbass headphones in. (slaps Xavier in the back)

X: (takes out his headphones) What the hell was that for man?!

Ko: Um, hello I was trying to, ugh, tell you our curfew time that my dad gave us.

X: Oh ok, when is it?

Ko: Are you gonna listen long enough to hear me?

X: Ok ok, I'm sorry man, I'm listening now. Ok.

Ko: Ok ok, for the last time, we gotta go to bed around 22:30 pm at the latest, ok. Also my dad is coming home around 23:oo pm.

X: Ok then, got it Kolu, so we have time to record. Cool!

Ko: Not if you keep having those headphones in, we won't!


As all three boys put their stuff down, they all run upstairs to start recording their own songs. Kolu is going over the dance moves and setting up the camera. Xavier is going over the lyrics, and Kane is setting up the room for the recording. As they were all getting ready, they had gotten dressed for the video. Also, they decided to do one more practice, then start the camera.

Ko: Ok guys welcome back to our channel. Selective Production presents.

Kane: Our very new song, called, Overtime. By the way, the only, Kane.

X: And me, Xavier.

Ko: And me Kolu. This song represents us and who we are, so without further due.

Kane: Let us begin with our original.

Kane & Ko & X: It isn't a beat without it being selected by you! Let's go!

*Author Note*

*Link to song: Yet to be put on and will be finished soon, it will be in the audiobook also.*


As the three were dancing and singing, Kolu starts to cry and grabs his mask, as the others do before they notice that he is about to cry. As they stop the camera to fix up the part that they just recorded, and they edit it.