Chapter 2

He points the the building in the middle labeled 3.


"You would have to speak to your father, I was just told to show to your room and then give you tour of the school grounds."

I roll my eyes and walk ahead of him to the building. As I enter I notice how clean it is and how brand new it looks.

At least the boys in this dorms are clean.

I hope this isn't the third year dorms, if it is I don't know what my dad is thinking because the third year's will be the most thirsty one's here.

As we enter the common area on the first floor I see a boy dressed in his uniform with his legs crossed manly.

"Miss. Goldberg, I've been waiting for you." He says giving me light smile.

"And you are?" I ask coloring my tone with disinterest but it only makes hum chuckle.

"Here I was thinking you'd be a shy little thing surrounded by so many males." He says walking closer to me. "But here you are, as confident as a lion." He pauses and an amused expression takes over is features. "But that is to be expected of any child of Mr. Goldberg I presume."

"And i still don't know who you are." I say looking bored, he smiles and I narrow my eyes at him. Something tells me I need to be careful with this one.

"My apologies, I'm Tyler Williams, head boy, prefect for class 2A and I'm running for student council president." He says his smile never leaving his face.

"How are head boy and your only a second year?"

"That's a story for another time, I'm sure your eager to see where your staying and you must be tired from you long drive."

"Of course I am, what girl wouldn't be excited to be in all boys school by herself." I say with a straight face but sarcasm dripping from tone.

He chuckles and walks away.

"See you soon Miss. Goldberg." He says walking away to the direction we came. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I don't know if it was is silky blonde hair or the way the blazer sat on him perfectly.

"Are you coming." Tour guide said sound impatient all of a sudden.

He led me to a elevator and hit 4 taking us to the top floor. When we exit the elevator there's another common area on this floor but we turn right and he leads me to the end of the corridor.

"This is your room," he swipes a key card, making the magnetic door open." You'll need this to get in everytime, if you lose it. Report it to the IT department." He say in flat tone.

He hands it to me and I enter the room seeing all my boxes stacked up in the center.

Without saying a word he walks away.

"Hey," I call and he stops in his tracks. "Thanks." I say giving him a small smile.

Suprisingly he returned it. "Your welcome." He says walking away.

I go back into my room and I start looking around, walk through door that leads to a small bathroom. To my surprise everything in it looks brand new.

I back into the bedroom where the medium sized beds both look brand new. One ont he left and one on the right, next to the door is a tv stand/ bookshelf, which is almost empty.

I guess the guy who occupied this room left some book. Beside the tv remote was also the AC remote. And I left the best part for last.

The room had two sided glass doors that led out to a tiny balcony, it had a small table and two chairs around it and the view was amazing.

Below was buch of gazebos behind the doors for students the to talk, study, relax or just hang out and beyond that was just forestry going on for miles, I bet there are tons of lakes out there.

I snap A short video rolling my eyes and sending it to my old friends.

They all really saying they already miss me, some saying I should run a ways and come there.

How I wish I could, a knock sounds on my door and I go to answer wondering who it could be.

To my surprise it tour guide.

"Hey, I forgot to ask what you wanted to do a out the tour?" He asks and I can see him hoping I won't be rude.

"You can relax, I'll just go with the rest of the dudes at two." I say in my normal voice.

"Kool, I'll just meet you down stairs and tag along so you'll have a familiar face." He says politely.

I guess he has a point.

"I'm down with that, see you in a few." I say then lock the door before he can say anything.

I wonder of my dad's forcing him to be nice or he's horny?

Who knows.

I spent the rest of my day, unpacking and sending streaks.

Before I knew it, time for the tour rolled around and I grab my key card and head downstairs.

I see him waiting on me patiently with a snack and a water in his hand.

I clear my throat making my presence known.

"Hey, I grabbed these for you. I know how tiring unpacking can get." He smiles handing the candy bar and water.

"Um... thanks uh....." I say trying to remember is name.

"Jarred," he says smiling.

"Sorry." I say wincing from embarrassment.

"That's okay, I only introduced myself once."

"Right, Jarred." I say his name out loud committing it to memory.

"Well let's get going." He leads the way.

Throughout the tour we head back to the main campus first. The first floor has the auditorium, drama room, cafeteria and the staff room, the rest of the floors are just classrooms. We are taken to the top floor of the main building and the entire top floor is a library.

A big ass library.

We then go to a second building which is the gymnasium, the first floor is has a 10ft deep pool, and two indoor basketball courts and volleyball courts in one. The second floor has four indoor tennis courts, two badminton courts and a room for table tennis.

Then outside we have the science building which is a very small on story building. And then the track and field.the football field in the middle is surrounded by a removable net.

I bet it's there to prevent the ball from interfering with track.

At the end of the tour I'm more exhausted then I expected and hungry to. I sigh remembering that I skipped breakfast because I'm upset with my dad.

Thank goodness Jarred brought me that snack.

"I'm starving when do we eat." I ask as the tour ended and he smiles at me.

"Come on, it Sunday so dinner is served at 4." He says checking his watch.

Doesn't he have a phone?

"It now 4:15, so I think we're good to go." He offers a cheerful smile as some of the first years watch us convers.

Some of them look like they want to speak to me but are too scared.

I don't mind though, it's not like I want any friends.

We head for the cafeteria and I rudely cut the line the going straight to the front.

"Sorry I'm super hungry." I say to the guy in front and he scoffs at me but I just give him a sweet smile.

The lunch lady tells me to swipe my key card then ask what I want and I chose stake, mashed potatoes with a side of asparagus.

"Thank you." I say trying not to drool over the food.

I head to the only table where only one guy was sitting and he scurries away. I roll my eyes taking my seat ready to dig in. I look for Jarred but he's nowhere to be seen.

I search the line only to find him halfway to the front. I push the tray away roughly dropping my forehead on the table then groaning out loud.

I know it gained me a few weird stares.

I can't eat without him, after what he did today.

I know I'm a bitch, but not that big of a bitch.

I lay there dying of hunger, too hungry to look at the food without eating it because it's too tempting.

"Sorry to make you wait." He apologizes and I look at him with a moping expression. "You know you could have started without me." Say says offering a kind smile.

"I just..... whatever, let's eat." I don't bother finishing my sentence and I start stuffing my face.

"Slow down you choke." He laughs at me.

"I'd rather choke than stay in here any longer." I grumble.

"Miss Goldberg, I see you made it to dinner." I hear a familiar voice.

I wipe my mouth and swallow my food before looking, I see Mr. Headboy smiling at me and taking a seat next to me.

So scoot away from him while glaring at him out of instinct.

"Well I see you haven't taken a liking to me." I chuckles and I realize his has a faint british accent.

"Why are you sitting here. Isn't there like a reserved table for prefects or something?" I ask eating slowly.

"Only at lunch time or on special occasions." He says smiling.

I deliberately don't answer his question and finish my meal.

"Leaving already miss Goldberg?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes and by the way, stop calling me miss Goldberg." I pause looking directly at him and narrowing my eyes, "I'm not your grandma." I say and I hear Jarred crack a laugh.

Head boy almost snaps his neck glaring at him.

He clears his throat getting up and walking away without me.

We leave the cafeteria and head for the dorms.

"I can walk you to your room if that's okay with you?" He says walking backwards. The evening sun hits his green eyes and they look like their glowing.

So beautiful.

I see him scrunch up his face at me and I realize that I hadn't answered him because I was distracted.

"Thanks but that's fine, and you can call me Eri."

I wink at him and head into my building.

I see him smiling at me through the glass doors and I smile back.