Chapter 3

Eri's POV

When I got back to my room I started getting my uniform ready.

I pull out the box labeled under and tear them out of the place bag. The skit was disgustingly long, the shoes looked like something that would be worn in a harry potter movie and the white blouse was two sizes big.

Thank God I took home Economics at my old school.

I start digging through the boxes to find a tiny machine I bought, it looks a stapler but its actually a tiny hand sewing machine, it can only do hand a simple stitch but I'll my it work.

I dig and my sisors and get to work on my new uniform.

When I was finally done it was after 12 and I was too tired to try it on.

I'm too tired to clean so I curl up next to the mess I created and go to slp.

I can clean in the morning is my last thought before I drift off to sleep.


I woke up in a bad position with my head hanging off the bed like a possessed woman.

No my neck hurts like hell.

I grab my phone to check the time but I was dead, I quickly put it to charge then he'd for the shower.

When I get out I clean the mess on my bed and start getting dressed. I checked myself in the standing mirror in my room.

The skirt was exactly where I wanted it, just a few inches above my knees, the blouse was a exact fit I tuck it into the blouse pull on some tights and the knee high socks with my new pair of stelletoes. And lastly I add my tie.

I grab my backpack take my phone off charge, and pick up my key and the paper telling me where my classes will be then I head out.

When I'm infont of the dorms I don't see any walking towards the main building, everywhere looks completely deserted.

Even the halls are empty.

I decide to power my phone on, my hear skips a beat when I see the time is 8:24.

I'm dead.

I run while glancing at the paper briefly making sure I'm going in the right direction.

I finally reach the classroom and I hear a women's voice inside.

I stop to catch my breath and I pull my long hair back into a messy ponytail.

After catching my breath I slowly open the door and enter the class.

"Miss. Goldberg, nice of you to grace us with your presence." She says in a fake sweet voice.

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off on time." I say giving her an apologetic look.

I hear a wolf whistle and I see her eyes travel down my body slowly widening in horror.

"What in God's name are you wearing!?" She exclaims.

"My uniform." I a say in a dub tone.

"That is not the uniform I had sent to your room." She scoffs.

" That unform made me look like forty. And it screamed yeast infection." I say boldly and the boys who knew what that was started cracking up.

She's shocked into silence not knowing what else to say.

"I'm going to my seat now." I say nodding at her and heading to a free window seat.

"We will pick this up later in your the principal's office."

"Not a problem miss Falcon." Say doing a crusty then wink at some of the guys and take my seat.

"Damn she's hot."

"I know, but do you have a death wish."

"I'd do anything for some action with her. She hotter than all the girls I've dated combined."

I try to hold in my laughter at the things their whispering about me.

Like I'd date a guy that goes to an all boys school.

Way too thirsty for my taste.

"Are you crazy?" A familiar voice asked. I turn around to see Jarred Falcon sitting behind me and I give him a smile.

"Nope but my dad is."

"How so?"

"Please pay attention because none of what I'm saying today will be repeated over the next three years here." Miss Falcon says hushing us.

She spends most of the day going through boring shit, tell us things we already know and I couldn't be happier when the lunch bell went off.

Finally, the guy sitting in front of me say stretching out his arms above his head.

He suddenly spins around looking me directly in the eyes, I instinctively move back when I recognize him.

"Well don't you look delicious." He smirks a wolfish grin and all the guys watch us in anticipation.

"As I should" I say raising an eyebrow at him and it only makes his smile broaden.

"No flirting." Ms Falcon says before leaving the class.

"Don't I know you?" I ask cocking my head to the side. He look similarly to the guy I met yesterday except his blonde hair was short.

"You must've met my twin brother." He says his eyes smiling at me.

"Long blonde hair, blue eyes and a creepy attitude?" I say trying to hold back a smile.

"Yep he's the one." He says barking out laughter.

I smile out of amazement, he seems like the opposite of his bother. I look at Jarred and he's just watching our exchange with a black expression.

"Would you do me the honor of having lunch with me m'lady?" He asks sweetly standing in front of me holding out his hand.

"As long as this good sir can join us." I say motioning to Jarred.

"But ofcourse." He says bowing like an idiot and I can't help but laugh.

"You coming?" I ask Jarred before taking his hand.

"Why not." He says shrugging his shoulders.

He gently takes my hand and slowly lead me to the cafeteria.

"Gentlemen, would you be so kind to let the lady go first." He asks politely.

The guys look at my suprise taking over their faces and I hair many guys gasps and choke on their food when the see me.

I just hope no one dies from this.

Blushing some of them move out of the way allowing me to go to front. Jarred and mr twin also come up and order with me.

We find a empty table and sit together.

"You just used me to get lunch quickly didn't you." I say looking at him.

He blue eyes sparkle with amusement.

"I'm surprised you caught on." He says smiling.

"I'm not stupid." I say rolling me eyes.

"That I see."

"Its Jacob."

"Eri." I say and we dig in.

We introduce ourselves but Jarred's mind seem to be elsewhere.

Jacob and I look at each other and smile.

"So isn't your dad going to kill you when he sees that?" Jacob asks and we finish our lunch.

"Yeah but there nothing he can do about it." I say smirking as I drop the straw in to cranberry juice.

"How so?" Jarred ask not looking up from his plate.

"There's no dress code for girls." I whispered and Jacob burst out laughing.

And I join him.

By the time we finished laughing the entire cafeteria was looking at us.

"Bother, are you behaving yourself around Mr. Goldberg's daughter?" Twin one asks Jacob.

"Of course I am." He says smiling at his twin bother .

Now that I'm seeing them side to side I can spot their similarities and differences so easily.

Aside from the difference in hair length, Jacob and taller and more built, where as Mr prefect is slightly thinner, Jacob has a splash of freckles whole his brother has none, And Mr prefect has one beauty spot on the left side of his face whole Jacob has none.

He gives his brother a sturn look before walking away.

Soon lunch is over and we know we have to head to the library to collect our book.

We diced to head to the library together.

I pass a Male teacher on our way and he is so shocked at my uniform but knowing that I'm the principal's daughter he doesn't know what action to take. So he ended up pretending he didn't see me.

That made Jacob laugh.

I stop abruptly remembering I didn't send a single snap all day.

"Guys wait!" I say stopping them.

"Are you okay?" Jarred asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah I just forgot to send a snap." I say.

They look at me in disbelief as I stop in the middle of the halls and took a few snaps sending them to my friends.

"Okay now let's go."

"You do know phones aren't allowed in school right." Jarred asks.

"And the rule says if you are caught the teacher has the right to look at what you were doing and share it with the class." Jacob adds.

"I won't get caught, don't worry." I say patting both of them at the same time.

We headed to library and we got our books in no time so we decided to chill there.

I convinced them to follow me to section where romance novels where.

I slowly index finger over the spine of each book, ready the title of each and everyone on of them.

"So what kind of guy are you into?" Jacob ask smirking at me.

"I'm not sleeping with you." I say bluntly with no emotion.

"Damn way you gotta be so cold."

"Just being honest while cutting to the chase." I say looking back at him. " Two birds with one stone." I wink at him before pulling out two random books.

I sure hope their good.

"What about that guy?" He asks and I know he talking about Jarred.

"Hes my almost friend." I say smiling.

And Jacob chuckles, "almost friend?" He asks raising his brows at me.

"Yes, our friendship isn't official yet but it has potential." I say smiling slightly.

"So do you like him, as in you'd date him."

I snort at his question, " Of course not." I reply honestly.